Chapter 4

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The drive was stressful and at the same time peaceful. As we were nearing the end of the ride we started to enter a long gravel driveway.

It was lined with tall trees that the sun peeked through adding a shuttle warmness and light, beside the trees nearing the end of the driveway was a beautiful lake surrounded by many different types of flowers, it seemed so clichè, like something out of a story book or movie. But something about it appealed to me, it felt warm, safe and welcoming. I felt like I could sit there for hours on end.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the car came to an abrupt stop, my heart started hammering inside my chest so hard I didn't know what to do. The men turned to me expectingly, to do what? I don't know. I hadn't even taken a look at the building I would have to call my home yet. As soon as the guys turned away from me I took that as my chance to hastily get out of the vehicle and run, getting away from them was the easy part, I had run track in school and I surprisingly like running. It didn't take much to get away from them quickly.

As I had run out of breath I took that as a chance to see where the guys were, they were standing beside the car looking around in bewilderment, I'm guessing I'm to fast for my own good, as I gazed at my surroundings I had realized that I had run to the other side of the lake.

The scent was filling my nose with the bliss smell of the many flowers. The feel of the grass between my fingers felt like I was young again laying on the grass, it was freshly cut I noticed. The sound of the birds chirping the faint sound of the rippling lake and the ducks that occupy the seemingly peaceful lake. Oh the sight of it all, something from a beautiful painting, a girl staring off into the sunset longingly to be care free and happy.

I slowly turned to take in more of the scenery before me, when I see a faint outling of a person sitting on a bench, I start walking purposefully towards the figure and notice that the person is already staring at me, as soon as I am close enough I take in his features, yes its a he, its as if he belongs on a magazine cover with his hazel eyes, brown hair that most girls my age would say was cut into a fuck boy haircut, and a sharp jawline that gives me tingles.

I watch his gaze travel down from my eyes, they move in one swift motion down my body sending chills through out every inch of me, that's when I decide the silence is enough.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you I just needed to escape for a little bit" I sigh looking at the breath-taking view again.

The amusement in his eyes clear " what's your name" he says, his voice comes out sexy and husky that makes me catch my breath.

His voice caught me off guard and my thoughts were so messed up I had forgotten my own name, "uh its umm" I was stuttering really bad, and I could tell he noticed by the genuine smile on his face.

I was brought back to reality when I heard faint shouting, that was when I realized that I'd better get back before I got into serious trouble. I turned back to the guy and nervously told him my name, "Amelia or just Mia" I turned around to head back towards Josh and Kyle, before I was at my destination I turned back towards the guy, "what's your name!" I could only just hear the faint reply but it was etched into my brain weather I liked it or not, "Nick!"

Hi guys, I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while I've just been really busy with school and sports and I couldn't find the time to, but here it is, its a bit boring but it'll get better soon.
Love you guys,
Your secret writer

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