Chapter 7

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He was the first to break the awkward silence between us.

'Morning princess, howd you sleep?' He said as if everything yesterday didnt happen.

'Considering my supposed father sold me to a some random and im pretty sure i kicked his body guards ass, pretty well, but the fact that im wearing clothes i didnt arrive in, im in a strangers room, and i was drugged not the best thing to wake up to, now explain how i got changed and where i am now!'

My anger was about to hit the roof and i dont think this guy wants to be on the recieving end of it.

'Well princess, your in my room obviously, i changed you and i would say that i looked away but my mother always told me not to lie'

There was a smirk dancing across his lips and that sent me over the edge, i lunged at him and we both tumbled to the ground.

I sat straddling his lap sending various punches to his face. My eyes turned from their normal brown color to a deep colored purple as my anger radiated all over my body.

My anger hadnt subsided after 20 minutes of a harsh beating. A little while later i thought i heard him saying something, he kept repeating something over and over again.

I could finally understand what he was trying to say. He wad screaming a name, Kyles name

'Kyle! Get her on the bed and hold her down, Now!' His voice came out panicked.

The next thing i knew i was on the bed screaming, kyle looked at me as if i belonged in a mental hospital.

'Maybe you do'
'shut up'
'no all you do is bring misery among those you interact with' 
'i said shut up!'

My thoughts were taking control of my mind. I felt something caressing my cheek, through my daze.

I could see Nick looking at me with sorrow, i focussed on my breathing, and tge tingling sensation his touch sent through my body.

I could feel control again but all i could do was cry, i havent had an episode since my dad had first started drinking.

Sometimes my anger gets the best of me and it feels like someone is pushing me into a corner, like someone else is sharing my body within the shadows of my mind, and yet i can see and feel everything that happens as if im the one doing it, but im not.

I blink profusely trying to take in my surroundings. After blinking a few times, all i can see is a pair of familiar hazel eyes.

They have a calming effect to them and i cant look away no matter how hard i try. He starts to stroke my hair and i snuggle in towards his chest, which i noticed is smooth and bare, but its warm so i try to make it last while it cab.

My breathing starts to even out and i feel my eyes drooping, i slowly give in to the darkness and let sleep consume me.

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