Chapter 10

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As soon as I had entered the room I started to collect my things to return home. As I was moving around the room in a haste to leave I saw the girl glaring at my back. I turned to face her with a smirk on my face.
"What's your name?" I said with a sickly sweet smile.
"Kate" she said with a questioning gaze,
"Well Kate, I can see that you don't like me because you've got that bitch look on your face so I'll tell you whats going on, your so called boyfriend took me away from the only place I've ever known, he cause me to get so angry I passed out, and because I'm here I turned into a fucking werewolf, I didn't even know that was possible, and to too it all off, he won't let me leave for some unknown fucked reason. Now I would like to get my stuff and leave without any blood on my hands, so I'd fucking leave before I bite your throat out, cause hunny I won't be able to hold back any longer!" By the time I was finished talking her eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, I will be the mate to the soon to be alpha, you can not talk to me like that!" She stomped at the end like a child. Her nazely voice was ringing in my head and that was when Midnight took over my body. My eyes became dark purple and my canines grew.
"He is not your mate, HE IS MINE! Even if you were Luna of this pack I would not bow down to you! I am a descendant of the original alpha and I will not follow anyone!" By the time I was allowed to take control, I was holding Kate against the door by her throat. Even though I was in control I still held her there. She started to go red due to lack of oxygen, I let her go and she fell to the floor sputtering. I watched as she caught her breath, as she was wheezing I looked towards the hallway, only to see Nick look in the room with his hands clenched at his sides and an enraged look on his face. He looking towards Kate with a snarl on his face,
" I am not your mate, you were just someone that was easy to get with and satisfied my needs, now leave before I decide to take a more violent approach." She scurried out of the room with a whimper. I had felt joy and pride with what he said, but all of my emotions disappeared when I remembered what he did. He turned to face me with the same scowl on his face, he stalked towards me and gripped my upper arms when he was close enough, his scowl deepened when I glared at him. He had a death grip on my arms now and threw me against the fur the rest wall, I let out a small whimper and staggered to my feet with my head held high. He glared at me and started to walk towards me again,
"How dare you treat a member of my pack that way, you had no right to do any of that to her, but I'm guessing by the wag you reacted you found out that I am indeed your mate, but that doesn't change anything, I will continue to fuck whoever I want and you can't do anything about it, you will do as I say without any questions asked, do you understand me?!" I looked towards him in bewilderment, but that soon changed to anger,
"You listen to me Alpha, I will do whatever it takes to protect and defend myself against anyone who decides they want to test me, that includes you or anyone in your pack, she deserved what she got and deserved worse, as for me basically being your servant and a mute, that will definitely not be fucking happening and as for being your mate, I only have one thing to say, I Amelia Blake reject you Nick Grey future Alpha of the Whitestone Pack as my mate."

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