Chapter 14

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I wake up in the morning and surprisingly feel refreshed, but I decide to have a nice cold shower anyway, I do my usual routine and quickly get out, I get dressed in the clothes that I picked out yesterday and dry and straighten my hair. When I am finished i look in the mirror, I put on mascara and lip gloss because I don't like wearing to much make up. I grab my bag that has all of my school stuff in it and walk out my front door.

I see the rogue from yesterday also leaving his apartment, I also notice that he is keeping an eye on me, when he fully looks at me, I tilt my head and notice that hes kinda cute. He walks past me still looking at me so I give him a mock salute with a smirk which he chuckles at. Damn that voice! I continue my way down the stairs towards my bike, I put my helmet on and start her up. Yes its a she and her name is Matilda. I rev the engine and fly out of the car park to the apartment complex. As I zoom past other vehicles, I cant help but feel free, this is the feeling of being in control, but all too soon I enter the school car park, and for the first time ever I see a free space near the front of the school. I make my towards it but also see a pink California Ferrari heading towards the same spot. I rev my engine again and zoom towards the spot cutting off the pink car.

I sit up from my bike and look towards the pink car, and surprise surprise, a plastic looking barbie wearing a mini skirt and boob tube gets out of the car coming towards me. She wearing what she thinks is a seductive smile which means she obviously thinks I'm a dude. But hey shes making assumptions so I put my acting mode on. She comes towards me and lays her hand on my upper arm, I take a glance at it and look towards her face.

"Hey babe, I don't think you've noticed but your in MY spot" she says in high pitched voice.

I look at her in disgust thinking how the hell she thinks shes attractive, "Sorry babe but I don't think your name is on it" I say silently laughing.

She looks towards me shocked, "Who the hell are you?!" She shrieks.

I get off of my bike and look towards her, she takes a small step back as I take my helmet off letting my hair fall down, "Mia babe" I say laughing

She looks at me with disgusts and then tries to look intimidating, she takes a few steps towards me and gets in my face, "Get the fuck out of my spot before I make you" she smirks at me thinking she scared me.

I smirk at her back and get right in her face "make me" I say acting childish.

She raises her hand ready to smack me but I grab her wrist, " try again bitch" I say to her, she raises her other ready to punch me when I grab the wrist to twisting them behind her back and push her towards the ground.

She looks up at me from the ground in fear, I bend down towards her and get close to her ear, "Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours". I get up grab my bag and head towards the entrance where a group of people are standing watching me and the little show that the barbie caused.

I go inside towards the office, and head towards the office lady and I was surprised to find another plastic barbie. She was chewing her gum obnoxiously loud and didn't even look up when I walked in, I stood next to the desk tapping my nails on the desk waiting for her to acknowledge me.

When 5 minutes passed I looked towards her and cleared my throat, she continued filing her nails and ignored me so I smacked my hand on the desk getting angry, she jumped frightened and looked up at me from behind the desk. I had to close my eyes for a few moments to calm my wolf. She changed her expression from fear to disgust, dang what is with people looking at me in disgust these days. Her expression changed again when someone walked in from behind me which changed to seductive. I looked behind me to see a guy with a jock jacket on, I rolled my eyes and looked towards the lady again.

"Hey lady can I have my class schedule I kinda don't wanna be here when you flirt with someone under aged". she looked towards when in shock when heat stared to crawl up he neck .

"Excuse me!? who do you think you are?" she said shrieking at me like the younger barbie did.

"Oh well my name is Amelia so can I have my schedule or are you just gonna keep shrieking" I said.

She tapped a few times on the computer and walked towards the printer, she was wearing a short tight skirt and TRIED to sway her hips seductively, I looked behind me to see the guy staring at her ass. He turned towards me and gave me a smirk, he took a step closer towards me where I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"Could you get out of my personal bubble before I break your neck" I said smiling sarcastically, he looked at me with that stupid smirk still on his face,

"Why when you get some of this too babe" now it was my turn to have a disgusted look on my face, I was about to say something back when the office lady cleared her throat, she had an angry look on her face obviously pissed for the lack of attention from the jock.

I smiled at her sarcastically snatching my schedule out of her hand "Thanks" I said with a mock salute and high tailed it out of the office.

I looked at my schedule to see I had some of my favorite classes with two classes that I hated with a passion. I had classes a day plus lunch and free period, which were English, 2 PE classes, Geography, History plus the free period, I am so happy about the two periods of PE because I loved my fitness and I was a little competitive. OK maybe a lot competitive.

My First class was PE so I made my way towards the gym looking for the signs on where was as I went through the hallways.

I entered the girls locker room and went to my assigned locker, I pulled out the PE uniform we were suppose to wear, short skins and a school t shirt. Great obviously a guy chose these uniforms.

I entered the gym ready to use my built up energy.

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