Chapter 3: what happens next?

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As my mother was pushing me towards the window I couldn't help but be consumed by my thoughts.

Why does he want me? I'm not pretty, my friends always told me I had a natural beauty but I thought they only said that to be nice. There's nothing special about me, I'm plain, with brown wavey hair, bright blue eyes that darken when I'm angry(a family trait I gained from my mother) and tan skin that seemed to compliment my blue eyes but surely I wasnt pretty, I had been told so by other girls but I was also very guliable

Before I could think anymore my mother was pulling me out of my own trance trying to force me outside the window. I wasn't scared to climb out the window, in fact I had done it many times before tonight, but I wasn't going to admit that. All I could think about was, where would I go? How long would I be gone for? And why does my mother want me gone so quickly? I mean sure its because she loves me and doesn't want my life to be involved with a gang, but surely she would at least let me meet the guy first.

"Sweety you have to go, this man is not a nice man, yes he's young but he's also very dangerous and I wouldn't wish this upon anyone, your father-"she had tried to comfort me and warn me at the same time but it wasn't working, as soon as she mentioned my father all I could feel was anger and hatred towards this man.

"No mom, he is not my father, he stopped being my father as soon as he decided that he couldn't care less about me so he sold me, I have come to terms with that and so do you, I will climb out this window, but only if you stay in here until I come back to know that you are safe, safe from the hands of that retched man" I tried so hard to keep my sanity but it became harder with each passing moment.

With that said I climbed out the window struggling with grip and nearly slipping a few times, by skillfully scaling the very strong gutter pipe going down the side of the house until I was safely on the ground, as I was looking up at my mother from the side walk, a black SUV screeched to a stop beside me.

Two masculine looking men dressed in tight black tops and black jeans, stepped out of the vehicle, both looked at me baffled but soon came to their senses.

The first man I looked at had medium brown hair that slightly flicked up, brown eyes and was quiet tan for this weather so I'm assuming that he is either Spanish or Italian.

The second man had blond hair that was gelled over to one side and green eyes, he was tan but less compared to the other one but I suspected that he came from the same origin. Brown haired guy spoke first "Are you Amelia?"

The way my name easily rolled of his tongue made my breathing hitch a little bit, sure these guys were attractive but I hadn't realized how much of an affect they had on me until blondey spoke
"your drooling"

He smirked obviously not trying to hide his amusement, thus had me a little angered after what had just happened.

"Yes im Amelia, and if I were you I'd shut your mouth before you regret it"

I had sounded a little to over confident, because at the moment I didn't believe myself either, but I've been fighting ever since I was able to so it'd be fair to say that I could kick some ass.

"Boss is going to have fun with her" brown haired boy spoke again amusement clear in his voice.

"Who the fuck are you two, cause I couldn't recall inviting anyone over for a tea party" a smirk played on my lips as they were a bit dumb founded that I had decided to swear, most people think I'm innocent, hunny I'm far from it.

Blondey seemed a bit beside himself as he couldn't seem to get words out, he stood there opening and closing his mouth looking like a goldfish, that's when brown head decided to speak in his place.

"Watch who your fucking speaking to, if your Amelia then our boss is the one who bought you so get the fuck in the car before we have to use force" his eyes showed clear anger as he was getting irritated.

"Fine jeez, who the fuck shoved the carrot up your ass" I muttered under my breath as I took my time getting into the car.

This is going to be one long ride, if their boss is worse than these guys, well I'm going to have some fun in hell

The car ride as I suspected was long, 4 hours long, this however gave me time to get to know blondey and brown head.

I found out that blondeys name was James, which actually suited him quiet well and brown heads name was kyle which suited him as well.

That's the only thing i managed to get out of them about themselves. The only thing I managed to get out of them about their boss was that his name was Nicholas, Nick for short, and to be honest I've always like the name Nick, let's hope he turns out to be nice, if he isn't.
God Help Me

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