Unamused Siblings

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"Our quotes are so lame!!" - Serious little sister.

Well that may be since I have not even topped twenty reads yet. My own sense of humor is so warped that it leaves my sister cringing in embarrassment. 

There was a time when I would have agreed with her. Back when I had absolutely no desire to use sarcasm (not in class....not with my friends...certainly not with my mother....I nneeeevvveeerrrr used sarcasm.) and no desire for childish things I would have taken one look at this book, rolled my eyes and moved on to something that brought proper stimulation to my ever-growing intellect.

Boys. They have the worst sense of humor. Yet the good Lord knew that it would take extreme measures to instill within me the ability to laugh. So He introduced me to a boy whose humor was so boy-like that even other boys did not find it to be amusing after they graduated the fourth grade. 

Thank goodness someone showed me what funny things look like. Life may bring a string of cheesy jokes and lame quotes but I am going to laugh at them, enjoy them, and tease my siblings mercilessly when one happens to slip from their mouths. 

Naturally I would never do such a thing. At least not without writing about it. :-) 

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