Toilet Terrors

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You reach one hand out, trembling in fear. Taking a step back, you yank down on the lever and run as fast as you can before the portal opens up. This is it....the day the aliens get you. 

These are the thoughts that my brother has every time he flushes the toilet, or hears someone else flush it. Why is this funny? 

Because he isn't 4. Or 5. For his sake we will keep his age vague.

Of course aliens don't invade through the toilet. But you should still run. There are giant spiders that will jump out and eat you if you stand too close when you flush. 

Toilets were quite nerve-wracking for me and my siblings when we were kids. How about you?

Did you know that the air dryer for your hands is so strong it will pull your skin off? Or that there is someone inside your mirror who wants to get out? Be careful when you open the door. Someone is waiting on the other side.  (Granted, it's probably just your Dad waiting to pull a prank on you.) 

I'm honestly surprised I ever used the bathroom as a kid. If those aren't bad enough, there were honest-to-goodness scorpions and spiders galore in our various living spaces. They really like showers. 

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