Say What?

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"I read your last chapter, and I couldn't give it a star or anything. Honestly, it doesn't make any sense!" 

O_O Why does it make no sense?

"I literally couldn't understand half of the words you used..." (Is interrupted by me/scribbler) 

Oh, that's because you haven't read SAO yet...wait, what words? I didn't use any SAO lingo, just the storyline that Art game me.

"You keep using weird words. What is a meh-meher? Or a meh-mehs? This is ludicrous, it doesn't make any sense." 

*too busy laughing to respond*

"Hey, why is that funny? Why are you laughing at me?" 

A MEME? You really don't know what a meme is? Or grumpy cat? 

"No, what is grumpy cat?" 

*More laughing* 

"Hey, that's not nice! I really don't know! AAARRRTTTT!!"

"What?" - ComicCON Artist

"What is grumpy cat?" 

*Art proceeds to explain*

*Scribbler looks up grumpy cat on fb - still laughing - and half explains memes* 

"Oh. Well now your brother already told me." *Looks at grumpy cat meme*

"AWWWW It's such a funny cat face!" 

Now when I tell you who this conversation was with, you will come to incorrect conclusions about why she had no idea of what a grumpy cat is. You see, the first person who took the time to explain to me what a meme was, is actually my Dad. 

This conversation was between me, mother of savages (my mom) and Art (my bro) 

Somehow Mom has survived more years of fb than I have and still never seen a meme. 

*Remedies this* 

Here - this is the meme I get spammed with when I forget to text my bestie back. 


Perfect. I'll use it for my cover. 

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