"I read your last chapter, and I couldn't give it a star or anything. Honestly, it doesn't make any sense!"
O_O Why does it make no sense?
"I literally couldn't understand half of the words you used..." (Is interrupted by me/scribbler)
Oh, that's because you haven't read SAO yet...wait, what words? I didn't use any SAO lingo, just the storyline that Art game me.
"You keep using weird words. What is a meh-meher? Or a meh-mehs? This is ludicrous, it doesn't make any sense."
*too busy laughing to respond*
"Hey, why is that funny? Why are you laughing at me?"
A MEME? You really don't know what a meme is? Or grumpy cat?
"No, what is grumpy cat?"
*More laughing*
"Hey, that's not nice! I really don't know! AAARRRTTTT!!"
"What?" - ComicCON Artist
"What is grumpy cat?"
*Art proceeds to explain*
*Scribbler looks up grumpy cat on fb - still laughing - and half explains memes*
"Oh. Well now your brother already told me." *Looks at grumpy cat meme*
"AWWWW It's such a funny cat face!"
Now when I tell you who this conversation was with, you will come to incorrect conclusions about why she had no idea of what a grumpy cat is. You see, the first person who took the time to explain to me what a meme was, is actually my Dad.
This conversation was between me, mother of savages (my mom) and Art (my bro)
Somehow Mom has survived more years of fb than I have and still never seen a meme.
*Remedies this*
Here - this is the meme I get spammed with when I forget to text my bestie back.
Perfect. I'll use it for my cover.
Who Did What Now?
HumorSpilled milk is nothing to cry over, but sometimes it's worth a laugh. What would mother say if you decided to drink it straight off the floor? What would your cat say if he could type? Has your brother ever said that thing that everyone in th...