The Creepy Room

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Down the creaking stairs they went, descending into the dimly lit room. An assortment of furniture, toys and random household goods peaked out from between mounds of gently used clothing. Jones sidestepped one pile and bumped into another. With a crash a clown appeared within inches of their faces, clanging Cymbals together with all it's might. "Woah!" Jones jerked back, colliding with Smith. The clown clapped a few more times before slowing to a stop. They boys looked at each other and laughed. "It's just a stupid toy." Smith muttered. They shrugged and started pulling bags out and hauling them up the stairs. 

Minutes dragged by without a sound between the boys. Only the scraping of plastic against concrete attested to the presence of living souls within the sanctuary of retired goods. Smith's eyes darted back and forth. The hair on the back of his neck rose and he turned around. Jones was hefting another garbage bag onto his shoulder. He looked back at Smith. "What's the matter?" He asked. Smith shrugged and grabbed a bag of his own. When they returned, something flickered in the corner of his eye. He spun towards the movement and stared. A blank wall returned his steady glare. Opposite him, another shadow flitted by. "Hey, did you see that?" He asked Jones. Jones looked from the wall and back to Smith. "The shadows? Yea, they're weird down here." He shrugged and returned to the pile. Smith followed, but he kept looking around all the same. The harder he looked, the more the shadows seemed to taunt him. All around them they flickered and danced in a silent game of hide and seek. Jones' face grew hard and tense the longer they worked. When they went up the stairs Jones moved faster and faster until Smith was running to keep up. He let a heavy breath out when they reached the top and trudged to the dumpster out back. 

On the stairway, Jones shook his head and leaned further in. After looking back at Smith he straightened and marched down the stairs. Smith knew that he could still see them too. The darkness pressed against them, waiting just beyond their sight. "I don't like this, man." Smith said. "Me either, just hurry up so we can go." Jones jerked a bag up just as Smith reached him. Huge wide eyes looked up at them, hovering over a bright white smile. "AAAAAA!!!" They screamed and ran back up the stairs. A woman was folding clothes in the back room. "We're done, Ma'am." Jones said. "We can't work down there anymore." Smith said.  "Why, what's the matter?" The woman asked. 

Jones grimaced and looked to Smith. Smith shook his head and looked back to Jones. With a sigh, Jones turned back to the woman. Either he spilled his story, or the woman knew more than the boys thought. When she told AJ later, she showed him the creature that sent them running. It's eyes were enormous, and patches of fur stuck out in a mangled mass. "We were going to put it in the window for a halloween display." The lady said. AJ laughed and picked up the fuzzy teddy bear. "This is what scared them?!" His laughter was so infectious that the lady joined in. It was a hideous little bear and the room had been rather dark. 

Thus, two teenaged boys were terrified by a teddy bear. *

*All names were changed for privacy's sake. Also, this story has been retold as a narrative, though it was received as a jumbled, laughter-filled tale given by a worker who cared not for the details. Of course this particular author cannot tell such a story without making up details such as the exact conversations and movements of these unfortunate characters. Literal interpretation of this story is strongly advised against. 

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