Chapter 4

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You were in your room resting on your comfy bed. You glad that your aunt not mad at you instead she gives you a lecture but you ok with that anyway.

You stared the ceiling on your room thinking what just happened earlier when you accidentally meet a mutant turtle who wears a red mask, who really good at fighting skill, who have beautiful eyes,


"Wait, what..?!" you said try to snap out from your thought.

You sigh.

You want to tell your aunt about this but you too scared to tell her.

What if she thinks that you sick, what if she doesn't believe you, what if she thinks that you were crazy or going nuts and if you tell your aunt about you accidentally meet a mutant turtle in New York City, what will happen to him.?

You start to think of yourself.

"It's better not telling her about this but maybe one day she will know anyway," you said while turning your face outside the window.

You can see the star glowing in the dark sky and it looks so beautiful.

You smile "It looks like I have a little secret to keep to," you said chuckle and continue watching the star glowing.

Meanwhile (At the lair)

Raphael was in the living room watching television with his other 3 brothers but not actually focusing it.

He was thinking about what just happen earlier ago at the rooftop when he accidentally meets a girl.

When he busy focusing on what happened earlier, a voice interrupts his thought.

He snaps out and he looks up

"Raph..?! Did you hear what I just say..??" A voice said and it's actually his older brother who wears a blue mask.

He looks his older brother with his arms cross.

"What..?? What do ya want..?!" His older brother sigh.

"I ask you Raphael, where were you when we're going out patrolling..?" He asks calmly.

Raphael just stares at his older brother "none of ya business" he said while changing his site watching the tv without looking at his older brother.

"This is serious Raph..I'm your brother, also your leader. It's my duty, my responsibility to take care of my family from danger. Master Splinter choice me to---" his sentence were been cut off by his younger brother.

"Are you serious Leo..!! You doing it now..?! I know you're my brother, I know you're been choose to become a f*cking leader..!! You shouldn't have told me over and over again..!! This is my business, not yours..! You don't have to know everything that I know..! I can handle it all by myself Oh Mighty Fearless Leader..!! " He yells at his older brother.

The blue mask looks at him in shock. Raphael looks at his other 2 brothers and they look at him with a sad look and then he looks back at his older brother again. He sigh.

"I'll be in my room," he said lower his voice and heading toward his room without looking back.


The blue mask said but he been stopped by his other brother who wears a purple mask.

"Just let him go Leo.." the purple mask said and gave his older brother a warm smile.

The blue mask sigh, only watching his younger brother leave them and walk toward his room.

Meanwhile (In Raph room)

Raphael closed his door behind him and then walk slowly toward his bed. He lay down and staring at the ceiling with his both arm behind his head. He feels guilty for raising his voice at his older brother.

He really didn't mean to.

He sighs and starts to think about that girl "What should I do..? How can I explain it to the others..?" He starts to worry.

"They totally freaking mad at me if I accidentally meet a human again..Especially Leo and Master Splinter and probably they will kill me. Ugh..!! What should I do..?! I don't want this kinda problem to happen again like a few months ago I accidentally brought Casey to the lair. Stupid !! " He said close his face with his both hands.

"Maybe they don't have to know about this..?" He said to himself "Yeah..! That's right..!! They don't have to know.."

He said sit straight on his bed.

"Tomorrow I will find that girl, just in case if she makes any trouble and doing something stupid," he said while smiling to himself.

"It looks like have to meet you again miss trouble maker and keep this little secret together" he starts to chuckle and lay back to his bed with his arm behind his head staring at the ceiling once more.

"Our Little Secret "


AuthorChan: I'm really having trouble with this P.O.V so I hope I don't make some of ya confused 😅

Chapter 5 Coming soon...🙌

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