Chapter 13

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(Y/N) P.O.V

BEEP...! BEEP...! BEEP...!

I groan when my sleep been interrupted by the sounds of beeping. I reach my hand to switch it off and sigh.

I rub my face in frustration.

"Ugh! I feel like I slept only for 10 minutes" I said and turn my head to the left when I spot something that seems curled into a ball and sleeping peacefully.

My vision kinda a little blurry but I can hear the sound of purring.

When I start to adjust my vision, I can see it clearly. I smiled. I turn my body toward the black cat that I found it last night when I went home.

I bring my right hand to the black cat's forehead and start rubbing it gently. My smile grew wider when I hear her purr got louder.

I stop rubbing her head and sit up straight on my bed and stretch my body make me let out a soft moan. I look toward the black cat that sleeps peacefully but I interrupted her sleep by shaking her with my left hand.

She half opens her eyes and looks up at me like,

'The hell? I'm not the one who goes to school'

I just smile nervously at her while my hand stops shaking her.

"Good morning, I'm sorry that I wake you up but you have to take a bath. I should do it last night but I'm just too tired so...." I said and she just looks at me for a while and then she lifts and stretched her body and makes a cute yawn.

I giggle but stop because she just turns around facing away from me and goes back to sleep.

I pouted.

"Don't make me force you?" I said gave her a warned and it seems like she just ignoring my warning.

I smirk and shrug.

"if you say so," I said while lifting her up to make her jolt from her sleep.

I laugh and brought to my shoulder and make my way to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

A few minutes later

I open the bathroom door reveals a half wet black cat. She steps out from the bathroom and shakes her wet body try to dry her wet fur.

I start to giggle.

"See? Is not that bad, right?" I said and the cat just staring at me for a while and then she continued drying her fur.

I just smile and start to walk toward my closet and find some comfortable clothes to wear.

When I finish dressing and brush my hair and so on, I take my school bag and walk toward the door.

I open the door and look at the back. I can see the cat still drying her fur.

I smile "Come on, let's go get some breakfast," I said.

I Lied But I Love You (TMNT Raph x Reader) *SLOW UPDATE*Where stories live. Discover now