Chapter 10

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We have been talking for almost an hour now and we have been spent our time together talking to each other and it is kinda.....Nice.

I have never been talked to other people like this since.

I sigh.

Right now, raph is talking about how they fight their enemy and telling me, how dangerous is it.

I just watching and listen while his talking. Almost like, I admire him.

I immediately snap out from my thought and then grab my phone from my pocket. We have been talking for a while now, and I'm curious about the time.

I looked at the time that is on my phone screen and It says 10:55 PM at night and it's almost 11.

Geez, have we been talking that long

I whisper to myself when suddenly a voice calling my name make me look at him.

"Something wrong?" He said in concern

"Oh, nothing wrong. It just, I have to go home before my aunt start to call the police"

I said while putting my phone in my back pocket again and stand up from the ground and clear the dust from the place where I been sitting on.

"Oh, "

he said looking down. He looks kinda disappointed when I start to leave.

"Hey, cheer up. Maybe we can hang out again sometime and you can tell me again about how you beat that purple dragon with your awesome move and heck, maybe you can teach me one day how to move like that" I said try to cheer him up and I hope it's work.

He just looks at the ground with a smile on his face and it makes me smile too.

"I guess so," he said standing up from the ground makes me look up at him.

"Promise me that we can hang out again sometime?" He said with hope in his both eyes.

I look at him like he doesn't want No as an answer. I smile "Sure raph, I promise," I said.

He looks happy when I said that.

"Ok then, Let's go !! I'll take you home"

He said and grab my hand make me blush.

"It's ok Raph, I can go by myself," I said try to take my hand away from him but he grabbed my hand tight.

"No, I can't let you go out there by yourself. What if you meet that Jerk Ass while you heading home" he said still grab my hand.

I sigh, if I said no, he didn't listen anyway" why are you so stubborn, Raph" I said to myself and look at him.

I sigh "Fine, you can take me home," I said looking away.

"Great!! Come here" he said pulling me closer to him.

"what are you doing?" I said a little bit surprised with all of sudden and I can feel this weird feeling again inside me.

What the heck is this!?

"Let me give you a piggyback home," he said to make me blush.

"What?! No! I don't want to" I said to pull my hand away and brought to my chest.

"How about I carry you bridal style," he said with a smirk make me blush even more.

I Lied But I Love You (TMNT Raph x Reader) *SLOW UPDATE*Where stories live. Discover now