Chapter 15

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It takes time for me to processing what just happened.

Why is he here?

For all this time I tried hard to forget him and now, he is here. In front of me.

Why is he even here?


I don't know either.

Is it a dream?

"It's been so long. How're you been?" He spoke first when he noticed that I been quiet for a while.

Nop! This is not a dream

"What are you doing here?" While I'm narrow my eyes at him without answering his question. He looks at me for a while and then he smiles.

Why are you smiling for?

I harden my stare.

"I go to school here. After I finish all these documents and well yeah I'll be permanent start my school like other daily students" he said with a shrug.

"So you are the new student?" I ask.

"Oh, you heard about me?  Yes! I am" he said with a smile.

Stop smiling!

Why is he smiling? Stop it!

I hate it...

"What no!  I don't " I said denying it but inside, I really want to know who that new student might be, but I didn't know it would be him.

I take the notes harshly from his hand and put inside my beg.

"I can see that you were still angry," he said while watching at me.

"what do you think so?"

I'm still putting my notes inside my beg and narrowed my eyes at him because of his question.

He sighed "because of the looks of it, you are pretty angry and besides you almost ripped your note's because you put it too harshly," he said while looking at the paper in my hand.

I looked at the notes in my hand and I'm really almost ripped it. Probably, I'm too angry even notice.

I sigh. Slowly I put my notes carefully this time.

"(Y/N)" he said softly.

I stopped.

The way he said my name really gave me shiver down the spine. It's been so long I haven't heard it.

How I miss his voice---


You can't let him do this


I had enough of this!  Get it together (Y/N)!

Don't let him control you!

Remember what has he done to you...

"I should go" I zip my bag and start leaving.

Left him without saying a word.

"(Y/N)! Wait" he shouts.

I just keep walking ignore him calling my name. Even how many times he said but...

" I'm sorry"

I stopped. When he realized that I finally listen to him, he starts talking.

"For everything" He stops for a minute and then he continues.

"I know what I've done"

"I know I've hurt your feelings"

"Please, (Y/N) I never meant that to happen"


"Maybe we could---"

I interrupt.

"What did you just say"

I turn around and look at him with the eyes full of hatred.

He looks confused like he just says something wrong.

Heck yes, he did something wrong.

I'm pissed.

"Never meant that to HAPPENED?!"

I said the last word with gritted teeth.

"What is that mean?!"

He looks at me and he realizes he f*ck up.

"(Y/N) listen to me! I'm wrong! I mean. I didn't mean to. I mean. I'm just..."

"Stop with the mean thing!" I shout.

My voice echo through the corridor.

"You didn't mean anything about you said"

I look at him with a hurt on my face.


Flashback flooding through my mind.

Everything coming back.

His sweet words.

His promise.


"You lied to me"

I can't breathe.


I walk a step back and look at him for a slight minute.

"I have to go"

I repeat.

"I have to go"

I look at him and he looked at me with pleading eyes.

I shut my eyes and start running.


"(Y/N), I'm so sorry"

"I'll fix this"

"I will"

To be continued

Author-chan: So guys. What's up ma dude.

I Lied But I Love You (TMNT Raph x Reader) *SLOW UPDATE*Where stories live. Discover now