Chapter 1

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~ Your Name: (Y/N) ~
~ Aunt Name: (A/N) ~
Ok, that is all... Enjoy

" We end up here"

"What are you talking about..?! We have been together for almost a year now. You want to end our relationship just like that..?!"


"What..?! did I do anything wrong..?!"


"So what is it..?! Am I not good for you..? That is why you breaking up with me..?!"

"No, that is not the point"

"Tell me what is it...!! Why do you want to end up our relationship..? TELL ME WHY..!!"



BEEP...!! BEEP...!! BEEP..!!

(Y/N) P.O.V

I immediately wake up from the beeping sound and start to breathe heavily. My heart pounding so fast liked it want to get out from my rib chest, and my whole body starts to sweat like I just finished running a mile away. It takes a few minutes to calm myself up from what just happened in that dream, or I better called it a nightmare.

I reach my hand to get the alarm and switch it off to stop it from beeping any more further.

I looked at the tiny screen and read the time.

It said at 6.00 a.m. in the morning.

That's means I have to get ready for school. I put it back where the alarm clock belong.

And then I just sit there for a while, think what just happen earlier.

"Keep it calm (Y/N). Everything is gonna be alright... It is just a dream so don't worry about it" I said to myself.

I take a deep breath and get my towel ready, I stretch my body make me moan a little bit, and then heading straight toward the bathroom.

Maybe a hot shower can help me clear this off

I said with a sigh and then I shut the door behind me.

(Time Past) heading toward the kitchen

When I open my bathroom door, my nose starts sniffing the air and smells something delicious and makes my tummy rumbling like crazy.

On my way to the kitchen, I can see a young woman at the age of 30 wear a pink apron is busy cooking something. I smile.

"Good morning, Aunt (A/N)" I said happily.

She looks at me and gave me a warm smile as a return "Good Morning,(Y/N)"

She said while she continues to focus on her cooking "Do you sleep well last night, Dear..? " still focus on her cooking.

I sat on the chair and smile nervously "Well. it's ok I guess" I said nervously. She turns off the gas and looks at me oddly.

I Lied But I Love You (TMNT Raph x Reader) *SLOW UPDATE*Where stories live. Discover now