Chapter 16

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Class dismissed and everyone started packing their stuff quickly. Like eager to get out from here.

I don't blame them because I'm eager to get out from here too.

Like literally, I want to get out.

I'm glad that this is the last class so everyone can just go straight to home or doing their thing.

Who knows right?

You don't know what's going on inside their head.

Their life.

After and before.

You don't even know.

I start packing all my stuff and start leaving. I say goodbye to the teacher that teaches us while she cleaning the whiteboard.

She looks at me and smile. I respond with a nod and smile back.

I walk out of the class feeling so tired and relieved at the same time. I can't wait to go home.

I miss my cat.

I miss my comfy bed.

I miss talking to my aunt.

I miss him.

I sigh.

I start walking through the corridor. I look at my surroundings and I can see that people packing they're stuff, ready to go home.

On my way to my locker, I spot him standing there at where his locker was while talking to some group of girls.

The thing is, I don't really care but...

I have to walk past them to get through to my locker.

I sigh.

Can they just talk somewhere else?

There's nothing I can do.

Again, I sigh.

I guess, I just have to walk past them.


A few seconds of walking, I lower my head when I got near them.

And realize...

The corner of my eyes, I notice that his eyes following me.

I start walking a little bit faster. Feeling uncomfortable of his stare.

And finally!

I made it to my locker. I putting all my stuff and closed it.

I sigh and look at the school exit.

Let's go home!

This is it. I can feel it.

The warm and comfy bed.

The soft and soothing purr.

Oh! Man! Can't wait to feel all of that.

When I'm about to leave. Someone called my name.


I look back and saw him walk towards me smiling.

"(Y/N) wait for me!" He shouts.

I look at behind him and notice that the group of girls look at me with an unpleasant look on their face.

I'm confused.


"(Y/N) hey"

I startle when he already standing in front of me.

I Lied But I Love You (TMNT Raph x Reader) *SLOW UPDATE*Where stories live. Discover now