Chapter 5

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Right now you were in the kitchen, eating your breakfast with your aunt sitting in front of you.

There were silent between both of you but you didn't really an awareness of it. Your aunt just looks at you weird. She felt something odd about you today.

You just continue eating your breakfast but you didn't realize that your aunt staring at you while you eat.

Suddenly you finally feel unpleasant, you feel someone staring at you makes you lost your appetite.

You look up slowly and you were surprised to see your aunt staring at you. Her eyes focus on you while she eating her breakfast.

Why is she staring at me like that..?

You said to yourself but can't help to feel nervous all of sudden. She just continues focusing on you make you really uncomfortable.

Ok! that's enough..!

I can't take it anymore..!

What is she doing..?!

you said again shouting into your mind.

"Aunt (A/N)..?" you said try to break the awkward silence.

"" She's finally snap out from her thought.

Is she been thinking something?

Your aunt immediately gave you a warm smile.

You smile nervously at her back.

"What are you doing..?"

You ask your aunt and she looks at your puzzle.

"Doing what..?" she said don't know what just happen.

You sigh.

"You staring at me while I was eating..?? Is there something wrong..?" You said looking straight into her eyes, need some explanation.

Suddenly, her change of behavior scared you.

She looks at you with a dark face. Your palm starts sweating cause of the nervousness.

"Erm...Aunt (A/N)..?"

"" You can't help but stutter.

"I'm just curious.." She said looking down while thinking something.



you said to yourself

"Cu..curious about what..?" you said try to act cool even worried what would happen next.

Your Aunt lifts her head up and stares at you straight into your eyes. You just flash her nervous smile.

"About last night when I call you" in a serious tone.

When she ask you like that you start to remember what just happened last night. Your eyes got wide.

"What wrong a...about last night..?"

You said try hard not to let her know that you are actually nervous "I don't know actually..? But I can feel that when I called you last night there's someone with you.."

I Lied But I Love You (TMNT Raph x Reader) *SLOW UPDATE*Where stories live. Discover now