Chapter 6

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Meanwhile at school

"What should I do..? What should I do..??" You ask yourself a couple of times.

Right now you were standing in front of your locker murmuring to yourself, without knowing the people who walking pass you look at you with a worried face.

"What should I do..? How can I explain it to her..?" Again, you ask yourself, while you searching for something in your locker.

You keep thinking about how to tell your aunt about the accident that you meet a mutant turtle but you scared that you will freak her out or think that you insane or something bad will gonna happen to her when you start telling her about this.

You hand keep searching and searching in your locker like you don't know what to look for.

You sigh.

You take a breathe and out try to calm yourself.

When you getting better, you stood there for a while.

"I have to focus myself, I can't be like this all the time" you sigh.

"I have to think about the solution next time, not now, right now I have to focus...Yup, focus" you said try to build your confidence back.

"When you have to keep a secret about there's a mutant turtle in this city is not that big deal, Right..?" you said to yourself and sigh.

"What is wrong with me..! Ugh" you take your book from your locker while murmuring.

"stupid.. stupid.. erm..!!" you murmur again.

When your busy taking and searching your books, you felt something or someone touches your shoulder.

You gasp in surprise make your book fall on the ground. You turn around slowly and you can see a young teenage girl who had red hair smiling nervously at you.

"it's just you," you said try to take some air.

"Are you okay..? I'm sorry if I suddenly scare you..?" she said feeling guilty also worry.

"I'm fine, I'm fine.. don't you worry I'm okay," you said.

"so...what's up..??" You ask while you pick up your book from the ground.

"Actually, I still feel guilty about what just happen yesterday when I suddenly hit you and I just run off like that so I'm sorry," she said smile nervously at you.

You gave her a warm smile.

"You don't have to apologize all the time geez, I have already forgiven you and besides you have a problem at that time," you said chuckle and she chuckled to

"I'm April, April O'Neil" she introduces to herself.

"I'm (Y/N), (F/N) (L/N) and nice to meet you," you said.

"Nice to meet you too (Y/N)" she said smile at you.

"soo.," she said and make you look at her puzzle.

"I never see you with other people before, why..?" she said look at you wondering.

"I like it that way" you smile.

"oh, don't you want to make friends with the others..?" You silent for a moment.

"Hmm, it's sound good but I'm...rather not be," you said looking away

"Why not?" She said curiously. You look at her and sigh.

"I just...Don't know"

You said looking away again. She looks at you for a while and sighs.

"how about I become your friend..??" She said.

You look at her and she gave you a warm smile.

You immediately look at her "You? want to make friend with me..??" you said a little bit surprised

"sure I do (Y/N)..!!" she said happily and gave you a warm smile.

"so anyway, to celebrate our friendship, how about we watch a movie tonight..??"

you think for a while and yours.

"sounds great," you said.

"Great..!! I'll see you at the cinema than" you nod "I'll see you there"


"Awesome...!! I can't wait" she said excitedly.

"so I have to go, my class starts soon," she said look at you and smile.

"Ok, me too then" she started to chuckle and you just smile.

"Ok, then, Bye (Y/N)" she said while waving at you.

"Bye April"

she smiles at you and she starts to walk towards her class.

You stood there for a moment and you start to smile to yourself.

"Maybe I should accidentally hit someone more often," you said.

You close the locker behind you and start walking toward your class.

"Maybe this way can help me forgot about what happen last night," you said smile with a sigh.

"Or maybe not"


Chapter 7 Coming soon...🙌

I Lied But I Love You (TMNT Raph x Reader) *SLOW UPDATE*Where stories live. Discover now