Chapter 7

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Your P.O.V

I was getting ready for tonight cause tonight I will be watching movies with my friend, April.

I told my aunt about what happened at school that I accidentally meet a girl and we become a friend. She said that she is happy for me and that makes me happy too.

I told her that tonight, April and I had a plan to watch a movie together to celebrate our friendship and she gives me a warm smile and nod. That's mean she said, yes.

I said thank you to her and she gave me a warm smile and she says.

"you welcome, sweetheart. Go and get ready. You don't want to be late aren't you?"

She said to me and I nod. I look at her and sigh then I run to my room to get ready myself.

The time said it's 7:00 p.m. so I have to go early cause I want to pick a movie for both of us. My clothes, I only want it simple that I feel comfortable. My hair, I let my hair down. I look myself in the mirror and I think I'm done.

I took my bag and look at the mirror for the last time and smile

"I can't just happens," I said to myself.

I use to have friends but since what happened in the past. I start throwing myself away from people. I start to shut people around me and even my aunt.

I start to act cold toward them. Even how hard they tried to take me where I used to be, I will end up just the same. Their start giving up on me and left me on my own.

And there is where I realized.

They are not my friends.

and now, this is my chance to change myself from what happened in the past. To start over and fix my mistake.

I sigh. When I feel satisfied with my look, I leave the room and close the door and heading toward the leaving room. I can see my aunt watching her favorite show.

She looks at me and you.

"You look great" I look at her and smile.

"Thanks, Aunt (A/N)" I said to her.

"No problem," she said with a smile.

"So, I have to go. See you later Aunt (A/N)" I said walking toward the exit door while watching her favorite show l

"Oh, okay then. Be careful out there okay? " she said remind me.

"Okay, bye Aunt (A/N)" I said start to open the exit door

"Bye, sweetie. Have fun" she said waving at me but her eyes focus on the tv. I start to chuckle and walk out to the exit.

On my way to the cinema, I start to wonder what movie we should watch. I keep wondering what should we do next when suddenly, I felt someone following me.

I look around me but no one there following me. All I can see random citizens passing by.

I look up at the rooftop building but still nobody there.

I just think that my feeling only messing up with my head or something so I shrug it off and keep walking with a feeling someone following me from behind.

Meanwhile at the cinema

So I already pick a movie for me and April. The movie is "Finding Dory" and I hope she likes the movie that I pick.

The movie starts at 9:00 p.m. and now the time said 7:50 p.m. so it's mean I have 1 hour 10 minutes before the movie starts.

I start to text her.

I got her number after school so I can contact her. I send her the text message and then I wait.

A few minutes later

It's been 60 minutes and she still not here. In 10 minutes the movie about to start.

"where is she?"

I look at my phone and I still don't reserve any text messages. I sigh and wait.

Something wrong?

I start to imagine something bad happen to her.

I hope she's okay.

The more I think.

The more it makes me feel uneasy.

Every second past by making me feel a little itchy.

When I'm nervous, I start to felt itchy.

Suddenly, my phone rings make my heart jump.

I stood there for a while and look at the screen that says.


Wrote her name on my phone with a rabbit emoji beside her names.

I answer the call immediately.

You: Hello, April?

(Y/N) I'm so sorry!! I'm really really sorry!! I forgot about it. I busy helping my friend working with his machine. So I to over-focus about it and I forgot our plan. I'm so sorry (Y/N), I'm really really sorry!! I mess everything up 😭😭😭😭 I'm sorry (Y/N)!!

You: *sigh* it's okay April, it's not your fault you just forgot that's all. And I'm okay with it anyway. Maybe next time we can celebrate.

You said it like that makes me feel guilty and feel really bad. I'm really sorry!! Forgive me (Y/N).

You: *chuckle* okay, okay I forgive you. Geez, will you calm down you make people looking at me?

I'm sorry (Y/N). Maybe next time, when I have free time I will call you. So, we can spend our time together.

You: sounds cool, I can't wait.

April will you come here, please.

Wait a sec Donnie, I will be right there.

You: *listening*

Okey (Y/N), I have to go. My friend needing my help. Sorry again (Y/N).

You: okay, then. It's okay April, you don't have to worry about it. I'm okay with it anyway. You have to go, your friend needs you.

*sigh* okay, Bye (Y/N).

You: Bye, April

I sigh. I look at the tickets on my hand and saw two little girls try to peek inside the cinema.

"Hey, you two come over here!" I said shout at them and they point themselves.

I start to chuckle and nod. The two girls run toward me and look up at me wondering.

I kneel down so I have the same high as them. I look at them and smile.

I took the tickets that I bought and gave it to them "This is a ticket for both of you that you can enter the cinema to watch the movie" I said to them and smile.

I decided to give it to them because I don't want these tickets put to waste.

They look at each other and then look at me and they start to hug me "Thank you, Miss! You are so kind" they said and I start to smile

"you welcome," I said to return the hug.

They release the hug and start running to the cinema "Enjoy you two" I said and they wave their hand to me and I wave at them to. I start to walk and leave the cinema.

"Maybe Next Time"


Chapter 8 Coming Soon...🙌

I Lied But I Love You (TMNT Raph x Reader) *SLOW UPDATE*Where stories live. Discover now