Chapter - 1 The end of a boring life

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1625 A.C.

I am in a horse drawn carriage, driving home. I have been away for a month and miss my wife terribly. My gut is twisting in a knot, I have a bad feeling something terrible has happened.

I drive up the road that leads to our farm, everything is silent. The road is surrounded by a forest on either side, in a straight line for a mile, so usually the sounds of the animals can be heard all to way to the main road. But not now, not today. Not a sheep, a cow, a bird or even a cricket can be heard, its the silence of death.

As I exit the forest lined road, my heart freezes over and sinks.

All over I see death,

Decapitated Horses... Decapitated Sheep... Birds dead on the ground as if they died mid flight.

My heart stops beating, I can't Breath... The horses stop, feeling the air of death around them, they panic. I get off the carriage before they get more excited.

The stench is overwhelming to my senses. As I approach the house, I see our kitchen table on the front lawn, what is it doing there. Something is on it, covered with a bed sheet, which in turn is covered in blood.

I stretch my hand, grabbing the sheet. My hand won't pull, I know what is underneath, it happened before, this is the 7th time in so many lifetimes. Rage takes me over.

I finally pull away the bed sheet...

The heads of my wife and kids are on the table, locked in a death stare.


Present, 6h15 am

I woke up screaming again, damn I hate that nightmare... my alarm clock was blaring at me to get up again. Smacking it on the head to shut it up and talking to myself out loud,  "Shut up you bastard".

"Damn, that same stupid nightmare again".

This is stupid, I've had it for ever. Bits and pieces of my previous lives, all ending very badly may I add. Always the same thing, my family being killed by the inquisition. I shuddered at the thought of that dream, as the emotions of the dream were still fresh. I know its all in the past, but it still feels like yesterday, like that bastard Grand Inquisitor could knock at my door any day now.


"I need a shower"

And so I headed for the bathroom, crossing on my way to it my reflection. Looking in the mirror stood what I considered an ordinary looking girl. Five feet eight, brown hair, green eyes, a little too much fat on the belly and a cute little nose. I was not the sexiest girl on the block far from it, but I was not the ugliest either.

"A shower will help me shake off the emotions".

I turned on the water, real hot has I liked it, got undressed and got in. The water pouring over my head, all my worries washing away.

"Aaah that feels good. Thank the mother."

I hated this, I know what this is, I am a reincarnate you see, those nightmares are not dreams, they are past lives memories. Bits and pieces of events that had strong emotional impact on me in past lives. They plague me all the time. Some are easier to deal with then this one though I hate to admit.


"Tali are you ok, I heard you screaming?"


"OK DEAR! Hurry up breakfast is almost ready."


I quickly dried myself and got dressed, a cute black dress that his short but not too revealing, just enough. It hid my bad curves well and enhanced the right ones. I put my comfortable 2 inch heels, no sense in suffering needlessly today, I didn't feel like it. I put a light makeup, this being summer my face did not like being all prepped up and sticky. Eyeliner, Mascara and lipstick would suffice to meet the workplace criteria. All ready I went to the kitchen for my breakfast. I was not hungry cause it was too early, but I had to eat or I would pay for it later.

I took my purse and headed out of my bedroom.

"You sure took your time Honey! Breakfast is getting cold."

"Mom its 6h45 am, not 3pm."

"Hmpf! Don't talk to me like that! You may be 27 but I am still your mother".

"Yes mom and you are living with me not the other way around".

This was a low blow and I regretted it the instant it left my mouth. Since my dad had passed away mom had been in no situation to go back to work, so had lost pretty much everything. I was her last resort and she hated imposing on me.

"Sorry mom I shouldn't have said that. Its that stupid nightmare, its putting me on edge."

"Its the third time this week, you should see a specialist or something hon. I am worried about you."

"Yeah I know, just stress I guess, the new owner of my company is coming today, they say she is very strict and has a tendency to fire a lot of people when she takes over"

"You will be fine dear, you are one of their best."

"Tell that to my creepy bastard boss." I laughed worriedly.

I wolfed down my breakfast which as usual tasted pretty much blend. Recently nothing tasted good, my past was catching up to me again, I hated it. As if on cue I felt the hunger come back, even though I was full from my breakfast I was still hungry. Grrr I hated this, but it was only getting worse all the time.

With that thought I went to work. It was gonna be dark outside for about an hour still, but I enjoyed being first at work. This way I could start before my stupid boss came in and say 'I was busy working' when he talked to me.

Tali never saw the two eyes looking at her hungrily from the dark of the front neighbour's side yard. Neither did she notice the mouth licking its long ascerated fangs.

The Eyes of Death Book 1 - The TaruWhere stories live. Discover now