Chapter 4

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** Miss Laniery looking at Tali **

My question had visibly disturbed her, she had raised her shields back up. Though now having her sent I could still pick up her emotions.

“What do you mean Miss Laniery? I don’t understand”

She was lying, I could feel her heartbeat accelerate “Come on now dear, no human does what you just did. You instinctly knew what to do.”

She hesitated but then said: “I...I am not sure, I have been having dreams all my life. I know I was a vampire in a previous life”.

She looked at me expecting that I was going to laugh at her, but this was far from the case. A reincarnate vampire is very serious business, with very strict protocols and rules of conduct.

** 1585AD in a large manor south of France **

Even though he was over 3 thousand years old, my master looked no more then 25. He was extremely well muscled, in his prime with a cute little face that made all women fall for him. But do not be mistaken, he was one of the original vampires, a first born.

He was one of the 5 ancients that ruled the underworld. He looked at me and said “Come with me child”. That word he called me made me proud, I was the creation of one of the most powerful vampire still on this planet.

We entered my master’s study, where he offered me a seat. “You probably wonder why I asked you here today child, blood of my blood?”

I was one of his direct descendant, a fact that had made him turn me. Though he had never told me why. “You often asked me why I chose you over anyone else."

Today I will explain a bit more about my reasons.” He had my entire attention.

“Do you know about the Taru?”

“No Master.”

“The Taru are one of our most well guarded secret. You remember what I once told you about what happens to a vampire when they meet their true death?”

“Yes sir, you told me a long time ago that the soul of a vampire becomes a reincarnate. It’s part of the turning process.”

“Correct but its not just that. Even though the soul reincarnates into a human body, it is still a vampiric soul, it is still vampiric in nature.”

“But what does that do to them, us? If they remember their previous  lives , they should be happy to be human again no?”

My Master took his teacher look and nodded to the negative. “Not quite so my child. Even though they are reborn into human bodies, the hunger never stops. It just grows, increasing exponentially with each lifetime that passes. Never sated of course.”

“Why is that?”

“They can’t process blood, therefore the hunger is never sated.”

I was horrified, suddenly my own existence had taken a whole new turn. This was going to happen to me someday.

“Relax child, we have a protocol for dealing with this.”


“Its called the Amber protocol.” He nodded. “Its the best we could translate from the ancient Egyptian. Or the best our boys could do.” He went to his desk, took out an old scroll case from the top drawer and brought it back with him. From it he took out a scroll that the word ancient could not describe. It was pulsating with protective magic that even my young senses could feel.

He then said “Every Vampire of importance is recorded on it with some vital information.”

“What information Master?” I was staring at all the names on there with a drawing and some phrases in ancient Egyptian. My Master had drilled me through that language , now I knew why.

The Eyes of Death Book 1 - The TaruWhere stories live. Discover now