Chapter 16

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** 1620AD, in a carriage headed to Naples **

"Lady Capello, this is unreasonable." Said a man wearing a sword at his waist and a leather jerkin.

"I said stop now. And I mean it" Answered Lady Capello. She was wearing the robes of a noble and her allure indicated she was used to be obeyed.

The guard yelled to the carriage driver to stop, which he did

The Lady came out running from the coach and ordered the guard to remain in there.

She removed her boots and started running in the woods next to the carriage.

She sprinted back to about 500 meters behind the carriage, to a spot where she had seen someone. Tracks were visible in the ground where someone had been, with a trail leading back in the forest. She started following the trail running, panting "Stupid dress, why do they make them so inconvenient."

After a while she found a dirt road in the forest, which led deeper in it. "Oh good I have to go deeper now." She looked around and listened. No sound could be heard, not even birds. She went down the road for a good five minutes. The road ended up to a small house, that seemed out of place. She looked around and didn't seem to find what she was looking for.

"Hello, I know you are there. Please come out I need to speak to you."

**Francesca sees the noble**

The girl had jumped out of her carriage and had followed me here, not withstanding the fact that I had let her follow me of course.

Now she was at the house and calling for me.

She was young, and somehow gave off this aura of power that had attracted me in the first place. I had felt that aura from a mile away while hunting for a woodsman. It was powerful enough for me to abandon my hunt and go find out who it came from. I had seen her then. She had stopped her carriage and had come towards me directly, which had got my curiosity again, how had she detected me.

As they say curiosity killed the cat, in this case who the cat would be was still to be determined. I stepped out of the woods towards her.

"You are a brave woman to call me in the middle of nowhere young lady."

"My apologies, but when I saw you I needed to speak to you".

I showed her my fangs, which didn't seem to phase her, on the contrary.

"So you ARE a vampire" she simply said, suddenly I could feel her toughts and smell her blood.

"Stay here, I need to feed" her sent had made my hunger so powerful that I was about to loose it. So I ran as far as possible, found a deer and fed on him. It tasted gross and disgusting but sated my frenzy. I then ran as fast as possible to the mysterious girl. What waited for me shocked me to my core.

In the short time I was gone, not even an hour, the girl had been murdered. Not just murdered, but completely dismembered and decapitated. On her forehead, a Christian cross had been stabbed true the skull and into her brain. A small note had been left besides her head saying "No spawn of Satan will ever have this one, She shall suffer for eternity". I screamed in rage until I fell asleep. Something had been robbed from me, my core was thorn in shards from the pain.

** Present day, during the wedding **

...I do!" I heard Tali say

"And Francine Laniery do you promise to give your soul and life to this woman, to love her for eternity and Beyond in the glory of Ma 'at your goddess."

My Master pushed my shoulder

"I do!"

"Then by the power that is given to me by Ma 'at Goddess of Death I declare the two of you to be forever united in the eyes of the Goddess herself."

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