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   We had been home for 2 weeks now and had decided upon coming back, that staying there and relaxing was going to be our best honeymoon option. And since we mostly made love either locked up in our room or in the forest or by the pool, then travelling would have been pointless.

  Mike had started reuniting his pack from around the world, news of the Taint and its growing presence had forced him to call them back to us. We needed to reinforce our position before they could strike. It was impressive to look at, his pack was huge. I knew it was big, but seeing so many weres of all types in the same house was beyond what I was able to grasp before.

  I had once asked why his pack was so varied in races, usually most weres associate with their own species. Mike had told me that when he became pack leader, it was his goal to protect his kind from enemies, not just his specific species. With time, news had travelled fast and wide and so many had flocked to him for protection, that by now he had pack chapters throughout the world. But now, our home was now pack central and he needed them all. There was a veritable army at his command.

  Also, to my surprise the Lich we had freed gave us a surprise visit. It seemed that she wanted to pledge allegiance to Sandi who had shown great promise as a Necromancer. Somehow he had received a vision from Anubis telling him to join her. She had made him a General of her forces, which by now were quite impressive if not scary. News of her status of Head Necromancer to Anubis had travelled quickly from what I could have glimpsed, so there were many. I was very proud of her.

  Sandi had developed a strong bond with Aurelia, they were always together. We could almost feel the love they had for each other. Sad since they could never touch, but somehow Aurelia was able to speak to Sandi without harming her. I had often seen them whispering to each other, it was a beautiful sight.

   Things with me and Tali had  been magnificent, I loved her so much and I had never seen someone give her love so unconditionally before. She was the type of person whom when she gave herself to someone, if that person betrayed her in the least she would be devastated. I knew this and would never do such a thing, I had vowed silently to Ma ‘at my goddess that I would protect her from arm always, and I intended to take this vow very seriously.

  Tali also took our bond very seriously. As she was a newborn, even though she was an ancient, her body was still adjusting so she needed periods of rest, usually during the day when the sun was at its highest. Every time she woke up, if she noticed that I had awakened before her, she swore silently to herself for having missed me opening my eyes. She thought I didn’t know about it, but often I would stay in bed, faking to be asleep. She would just look at me lovingly until I would wake up. She would barely touch my mind, like a kitten tickling you with his mustaches, so has not to wake me up to quickly. In the past few days though, she had been up to something.

  I didn’t know what she was doing, and all I knew was “It’s a surprise”. That’s all she had said, and I was not to snoop either. I respected her request, I liked surprises so I didn’t want to spoil it. But I was curious as hell, I had seen her steal a picnic basket so there was that I could guess, but also I saw her ground some bones into powder, which in and of itself implied magic. So I was confused as hell as to what she was going to do. Also, to my surprise, that part of her mind was well hidden from me. Though Mike and Sandi knew more then me, they would not say anything else.

  So when my phone rang and she asked me to come outside the house I ran there immediately to join her. She was, of course waiting for me with a huge grin plastered on her face. “Ok I am here, what next?”

She looked at me and said “Follow me Milady.” She was playing coy with me now.

She led us down the forest for a good 15 minutes, following twisting pathways. Although I knew the forest well enough, I had no clue where we were going and I am pretty sure she had done that on purpose. She of course remained silent, shushing me whenever I tried to speak. She only giggled constantly like a schoolgirl.

“Are you going to tell me what we are doing here Tali?”

She looked at me with a huge grin, even more then before “Yes I will.” She put herself in front of me so I could not see behind her. There was at least a campfire behind her, as the night sky was light up.

She then said “I want you to meet someone very important to me.”

I looked at her, she had never mentioned anyone like that to me before.

*I did silly* she replied mentally.

“Ok so who is it? You’re torturing me here.” She had me hook line and sinker.

She led me to the light source, “You remember I told you my Sister is unable to come here?”

“Yes you did and?”

“Well, I was somewhat lying a bit.”

I looked at her accusingly. “Oh?”

“She can actually come for short periods of time.” She pointed to the campfire where a woman was standing.

She was essentially a spitting image of Tali, but with bright blue hair, and purple eyes. The resemblance was uncanny. But there was something completely different about her. There was an aura of magnificence that Tali did not have. She exhumed power and something else, awe, I felt that I needed to bow to her on my knees.

She then spoke “Please don’t, my sister in law does not get to bow to me.”

  Her voice was insane, every word she spoke made me want to cry from love, cheer, love her, defend her, every emotion I could feel was felt at each of her words.

Tali spoke, “This is my sister. You know her by the way.” There, Tali had a smile so big, and her mind was so proud that I thought I would cry just from her thoughts.

“I know you?” I asked the woman.

She nodded, “Long ago, you called on me, to help you in your time of greatest need and I answered in your dreams.” I could barely contain myself with just her words, but suddenly I melted in tears.

For there, in front of me Stood the Goddess Ma‘at.


The Eyes of Death Book 1 - The TaruWhere stories live. Discover now