Chapter 7

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** Francine back at the office **

I was worried sick, it had been 4 hours of waiting when the call came in.

"Hi Mike?"

"Yes its me, we have her. The twins are taking her to the abandoned quarry."

"Good, how is she?" I was suddenly relieved, even though we were not out of the woods yet.

"She is holding up, though what I sense from the twins is that it won't last."

"Ok tell them to drop her off and move to a safe distance."

"Done! See you there".

I need to warn Master, I thought to myself. A SMS message would do.

Francine:We have her, sending coordinates.

Master:Ok will be there A.S.A.P

I was always amazed at how he could go from one side of the planet to the other in minutes, but then took a six hour flight to come have a drink with me. But I knew that he possessed powerful artefacts from ages long gone, though I had never seen them myself. I guess he didn't want to abuse them.

But this was not the time for such thoughts, I had to hurry. I collected all the blood supply I found and went for my car in the garage. The drive, though not too far, took what seemed forever, traffic was heavy for such a slow night. If not for these stupid humans, I would have been there in two minutes flat, but nooo this modern world had cell phones, security cameras, all the works. Back then, a vampire running at full speed would just create rumours of a ghost going through town.

Finally I arrived ten minutes later at the old quarry, a place devoid of any video surveillance whatsoever. I got out of the car and ran to the bottom where I could see Tali and the others.

Tali was hunched down, visibly shaking and suffering. The change was extremely painful, there was nothing romantic about it. Your body was literally dying with you stuck inside it and you were very conscious of all that was happening. All you could hope for was to pass out as fast and as much as possible during the two to three weeks the process would take.

But more importantly, just before you became too weak, there was always an initial burst of rage lasting a little while, during which the newly turned became very powerful and very dangerous if left unattended. Thankfully it didn't last much longer than a burst of adrenaline would. I ran over to Mike and the others.

"Glad you're here Francine, she won't hold for much longer"

"How is she, besides the obvious?"

"Well she has been mumbling in a language I don't know, all I can hear properly is your name."

All of a sudden Tali stopped talking and looked at me. She had been crying, her eyeliner was smeared all over her cheeks.


"Yes dear I'm here, its gonna be ok.

I saw her relax a bit, but then something happened. She looked down, hiding her face in her hands and started shrieking, louder and louder. Soon all of us were covering our ears as the sound was too painful. Then after a moment the sound stopped and we all looked at her. Her eyes were glowing purple, illuminating her face with an unnatural glow. Her fangs were out and long claws had grown instead of fingernails. She was looking at us with a growl in her throat, she had just gone feral.

**Master in Europe**

I heard my cell phone beep 3 times. I hated those things but Francine had insisted I take it. She had set up her own personalised ring on it, her phone number on speed dial, etc.

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