Chapter 22

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The thief looking woman approached the vault door and opened her backpack. “Ok boys I need space and silence.”

The squad leader replied “You heard the woman boys.” We all fell silent.

She took out four gems which she placed on all four corners of the door. Somehow those were probably magical as once they touched the door, they stayed stuck to it and glowed. She then took out more technological devices, which she installed around the opening mechanism. One visibly was a sonar type device that provided some form of view of inside the mechanism. The other I had no idea but they seemed to involve replacing the stethoscope you see in old gangster movies.

She proceeded to unlock the door. Five minutes passed, so we were well beyond the 10 minutes mark by now, though no guards had reached us yet. Probably due to some undead interference, the Lich was probably as desperate to get her property as I was mine.

Suddenly the woman stopped and turned to us, smiling “This door is almost impossible to open without the key and combination. Thankfully I provide the impossible” She pulled the door slightly, without any alarm going off.

“Good job private” the squad leader whispered.

He signalled his boys from team alpha and beta who prepared to rush the vault.

Both teams opened the door, it seemed heavy even by vampire standards. It opened with such a noise that anyone within a mile was now alerted of our presence sadly. Both teams rushed in weapons at the ready.  We were about to enter when the head of one of the soldiers came flying out without the rest of its owner. Our team was about to stop us, but I Ignored him, the stakes were way to high right now. There would be no second try. I signalled Francine and Sandi and we all ran in.

Once I ran in I understood why there was so much chaos. The room we entered in was huge, its main purpose had been to permit combat with whatever force would break in. In it, stood eight Elven sentries, the same one I had fought back when I had my apprentice in the era of the elves. There, in the back behind what seemed to be a bullet proof glass wall, stood my nemesis, the Grand Inquisitor himself.

He spoke to me, somehow the place was wired with speakers and microphones so each room could communicate with the others even if all of them were on lockdown. In the middle of the windowed wall stood a force field, made of Technomancy.

“I see my forces have not been able to down you, abomination.”

I grinned evilly at him “I see you have not learned the lesson I taught you so long ago. I guess you need a repeat.”

He suddenly lost his smile, he recognized me, finally “Milady? Is it truly you? You are this abomination?”

“1...” I teleported and my gauntlets appearing straight into the guts of two of the sentries, I gutted their cores.”

The Inquisitor suddenly took a white taint all over, fear could be seen on his face. “No it can’t be, I killed you, I saw you die with my own eyes.”

“2...” I threw the cores straight into two more sentries that exploded inside them and fell them instantly.

“3...” I tore the heads of the first two sentries and threw them into the other two.

The inquisitor only exuded terror by now, “No this is impossible, you can not exist.”

“4...” I teleported next to the last two and in one swiping motion cut them in half.

“Lesson over My apprentice.”

He fell to his knees in terror. On cue, Team Delta rushed the force field.  But it would not give. Sandi just walked to it and uttered the word “Uanescere”, and touched it. It instantly vanished. This seemed to awaken the inquisitor as he somehow got back his composure “No, I will not be downed by the likes of you. My god is superior to you, I shall prevail.”

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