Chapter 6

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**Tali was now questionning herself**

She had showed me a ton of trust so really even the little voice in my head agreed I should tell her, so I gave in.

"If you revered Ma 'at in your human life then only she could affect you negatively. And the goddess of death is not the type to punish vampires."

She nodded "How do you know that dear?" She was visibly probing me, through her smile I felt a very distinct seriousness.

"Don't laugh ok?".


"Well I'm a reincarnate." At that Francine opened her eyes wide but she immediately regained her composure. I continued "Can I ask you something strange? Its very personal though."

She nodded yes so I continued "How pure is your blood? How old are you?"

She literally spat her wine back in her glass then said "Sorry dear I was not expecting that question." She said cleaning herself up. "I was turned over 500 years ago. I lived in Italy at the time, my parents had died when I was very young and I was affected by it throughout my young life.

I felt bad all of a sudden, it was out of line for me to ask that "I am so sorry..." She cut me off with a smile.

"It's ok dear, it was a long time ago. I was homeless without a purpose in life. That's when my Master found me. I was trying to steal his purse you see." She made an evil accomplice grin.

"Ouch that must have failed miserably?" I offered.

"It did. But he took me in, raised me up, gave me an education, which was a rare thing back then. He also made me learn about the ancient gods, he wanted me to make an informed decision. I was fascinated by the Egyptian gods, mainly Ma 'at which connected for me. I would prey to her to keep my family safe. I would offer myself in her service.

I nodded, so did the little voice in my head.

"Eventually my Master revealed his true nature to me and offered to turn me. I accepted his offer knowing that my goddess was finally calling me into her service." I nodded again

"From what period was your Master from?" I asked

"He was from ancient Mesopotamia I think, why?" at that my jaw dropped. It wasn't possible. Was it?

"Oh nothing...." I feigned, she let me off the hook.

She then said "You want to know who my Master is I wager?" I nodded, this was extremely important.

"He is extremely old has I said earlier, actually one of the 5 originals. Three of them have disappeared, the other 2 have a seat on the underworld council."

"Was he a tall warrior, very muscular, long black hair with blue eyes?" Her jaw dropped.

"Let me get my sketchbook, I saw him in a dream and drew him"... I ran to my desk and opened my backpack. While fighting for my small drawing pad, I cut myself "OUCH!". I put the cut in my mouth and started looking for the drawing I needed. "There that one."  I looked at my finger and the cut was deep so I hoped Francine would not freak out. I looked at it again and the cut healed before my eyes. "Oh no this can't happen right here." I said to myself as a small droplet fell on the drawing.

I wrote a small note so Francine would not worry and ran out of the building, they were all in terrible danger. The small voice in my head suddenly rang louder then ever before *RUN SIS! RUN!!!*

** Francine was worried **

Tali was taking a long time, so I went to find her in her office but she was gone. On her desk was the drawing she had mentioned, it was not perfect but was definitely of my Master. Next to it was a hastily written note:

The Eyes of Death Book 1 - The TaruWhere stories live. Discover now