Chapter 22

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Later on, Bob showed up once again at Waffles' house.

"What did you do to my friend's boyfriend?" Waffles demanded.

"Strudel?"  Bob asked. "He deserved that"

"The only one who deserves that is you" Waffles threw a shoe at him, but it went right through his ghost.

"You can't get me!" said Bob, as he vanished into mid air.

The next day, there was still no word on Strudel.

CJ went to check out Strudel's garage.

It was perfectly fine.

Still no sign of Potter, either.

At Aloha's house, she was staring into space.

"Babe, you okay?" Ringo asked.

"He's gonna kill me" Aloha said, as she saw Bob coming closer.

Then Bob just disappeared.

"I keep seeing Bob" Aloha told Ringo.

"Well," said Ringo. "I'll make Bob go away" and he started singing. "I'll take you to the candy shop, I'll let you lick the lollipop"

"Please don't" said Aloha. "How is Strudel?"

"No clue" said Ringo.

Then his cell phone rang.

"Unknown Caller" he read the Caller ID.

"Don't answer that" Aloha warned.

But it was too late

"Hello?" Ringo answered.

The line went dead.

"Hey!" he shouted. "My phone won't work!"

His phone was totally dead.

"Here, use mine" said Aloha, taking out her phone. The caller ID said Unknown Caller, even though it never even rang or anything.

Her phone wouldn't work, either.

Later on, Waffles's doorbell rang.

There was Pia, holding a box of shortbreads.

"I never ordered any cookies!" Waffles shouted.

"You left me a message" Pia said smugly, taking out her phone. "Oops, my bad. It was a text message"

"Unknown Caller!" shouted Waffles. "That's not me! Mine would show up as Waff to the Izzles!"

"2 dollars" Pia said unwillingly.

"I'm not paying that" said Waffles, as Skittles came up from behind her and took the cookies.

Pia was getting impatient. "Plus tax"

"Oh, now you're putting tax on girl scout cookies?" said Waffles. "Real nice, Pia. Real nice"

"Plus" said Pia. "You still owe me money for Bob's goose"

"Asshole!" Waffles yelled, slamming the door on Pia's face.

"Hey!" Pia called. "Skittles owes me $2.50 now!"

Skittles just ignored Pia, and continued to eat the cookies. "Free cookies, anyone?" Skittles asked, and everyone who was at Waffles' house had a shortbread party.

Later on, Strawberry walked over to the pond and sat on top of the first water tunnel.

"Oh God" said a voice from inside the tunnel.

Strawberry looked inside and saw Tamyra and Ramona.

"Thank god it's just you" said Ramona. "Don't tell Plymouth we're in here"

"Trust me, I won't" said Strawberry, looking out at the pond, which was starting to melt. "Any word on Strudel?" she asked Tamyra.

"Still the same, I think" Tamyra replied. "Aunt Pearl might take me shopping for a dress to wear to the funeral"

Strawberry burst into tears and ran to the other water pipe.

A couple minutes later, she heard footsteps coming from the other end.

Ramona crawled up and sat next to Strawberry.

"What are you doing?" Strawberry laughed.

"I entered the wrong end" Ramona said proudly.

"Yes, I noticed" said Strawberry.

"Are you okay?" Ramona asked.

"No" Strawberry said honestly.

"I must put a stop to this madness" Ramona continued.

"Thanks Ramona" said Strawberry. "But I don't think you can"

They sat in silence for awhile, then they  went to Virginia's house.

Strawberry went up and sat on Virginia's bed, and was soon joined by Ramona.

Aloha came up a little bit after that, looking for her Mean Girls DVD. She froze in the doorway.

"Aloha?" asked Strawberry. "What's wrong?"

"BOB!" Aloha screamed and she ran downstairs.

Strawberry & Ramona went downstairs after her.

Kiwi started singing. "Cellular Modular Interactive Odgular!"

Waffles joined in. "Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring! Banana Phone!"

"Shut up, you Dirty Mexicans!" yelled Carlotta.

Then Aloha wanted to watch Mean Girls. They watched it in Virginia's room.

Ramona could've sworn she heard something outside.

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