"Why are you being so nice to me?" Pia asked suspiciously.
"No reason" said Skittles.
Abner's suspension was over, so he was back at school.
"Where's Smog?" asked Waffles.
"I don't know" Abner said. "Nor do I care"
When it was time for the news, Plymouth was on again. "A-Town baseball lost to OF-Town last night, with Duncan pitching a horrible game. Lanky hit no runs at all, playing shortstop terribly. Roller letting the Bulldogs score 10 runs. Comets, you suck"
CJ, Homer, and Gepetto were mad, because Plymouth didn't even mention them, even though they played horribly, too.
"And also, don't forget to vote for prom king & queen" said Plymouth.
In C lunch, Muffins was acting strange. "Dude, what's wrong?" asked CJ.
"Fat kid" Muffins said flatly.
"He'll stop that pretty soon, don't worry" Gepetto said assuringly.
"Huh?" said Carlotta.
"You'll see" said Tessa.
On the bus, Duncan was singing porno music again. "Mrs. Rumpy!" Slider shouted. "Tell Duncan to play Grind on me!"
"Baby grind on me!" Duncan shouted.
Then Twister started rapping with Ringo. "Hey look at Duncan, he's singing porn"
"When I get off the bus, I'm gonna honk the horn" said Ringo.
When they got off the bus, he honked the horn, of course.
"Stop that!" shouted Mrs. Rumpy, the bus driver.
"You're an ignorANUS!" Ringo shouted at Slider, as everyone went home.
"Tell me where Smog is" Waffles demanded.
"I know" said Gepetto "Let me call my Uncle Ted first"
He pulled out his phone. "Yeah, Uncle Ted? Is Smog ready? Okay, see you soon" he hung up. "I'll send him over when he comes" he told Waffles."Okay....?" said Waffles.
When Smog arrived at Gepetto's house, Gepetto was amazed. "Wow" he said, and Smog went over to see Waffles.
"Oh my god, Smog, is that you?" said Waffles.
"Yes" said Smog. "I got plastic surgery. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Oh, cool" said Waffles. "And of course I will!"
Meanwhile, in Strudel's garage, they were discussing their plan. "Okay" said Strudel. "At the very end of the song, I'll put it out in front of her and trip her."
"I'll get the beagles" said California.
"They all have to come in contact with Pia." said Gepetto.
"Mittens, Morning, and Ruthie can do that, right California?" asked Tamyra.
"I know Mittens & Ruthie can" said California.
"What about Morning?" asked Banjo.
"She's a wimp" said California.
"But I bet she likes dog treats" said Tessa.
"Yeah!" said Homer. "They'd be all over her!"
"I'll make a catapult" said Banjo. "Strudel, use the other crutch to launch it"
"Okay" Strudel said excitedly.
Meanwhile, Trixie, Babbleberry & Pancake were at Aloha's.
"I can't believe you're actually doing this" said Pancake. "And at the PROM!"
"Yup" said Aloha. "So what? It's cool."
"Aloha, you're crazy" said Trixie.
"It'll be fun" said Aloha. "I can't wait"
The next day at school was Friday, and the prom was on Saturday.
"It's your last chance to vote for king & queen!" Plymouth said on the news.
On Saturday, The TaTa's got to the school early to get ready.
"Beagles!" said Pia. "I love beagles!"
California had Morning, Mittens, and Ruthie on leashes.
All of the other cool girls were at Pancake's house getting ready.
"This will be so fun." Aloha said excitedly.
"I hope Doreen doesn't win" said Ramona. "I voted for you, ChiChi."
"Aww, thanks, Ramona" said ChiChi.
"Aloha, are you sure you want to do this?" asked Pancake.
"Pancake!" said Aloha. "I'm fine! This is my decision!"
"You're gonna regret it later in life" Pancake warned her.
"Trust me, I won't." said Aloha. "I'll regret it if I DON'T do this!"
"Whatever" said Pancake.
"Come on, it's time to go" said Virginia.
As they walked into the school, Aloha saw Ringo. "Hey, Aloha" he said .
"Ringo" said Aloha. "We need to talk"
9 Mile Season 1. Freshman Year
JugendliteraturI started writing this my freshman year of high school, all the way back in 2004. I was fourteen. So obviously, the beginning kind of sucks. But I promise it gets better. I guess it's not really novel-esque, but hey, it's my story damn it and I dedi...