New Epilogue

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Hey everyone! I know you are all probably confused as to why a new epilogue has gone up. Truth be told, I felt terrible leaving without an ending, so here I am! Hopefully some of you read this lol I know I haven't updated in YEARS. Okay, enjoy!

(Third POV)

Year: 2022

Phil straightened his tie and sighed heavily. Butterflies surged through his stomach as he stared at his reflection.

"You okay?" Tyler asked, causing Phil to jump. Tyler laughed and stroked Phil's arm as comfort.

"Not quite, I'm freaking out a bit. What if someone objects, o-or what if Dan decides he doesn't love me?" Tyler shook his head and smiled up at his friend.

"Dan is in love with you. Seriously, it's sickening sometimes." Phil cracked a smile and took another deep breath.

"How did you and Troye do this without freaking out?" Tyler shrugged and smiled down at the silver ring on his finger. Troye was written on the inside.

"If I'm being honest, I have no clue." Louise peeped her head in and called for Tyler.

"The reception is about to begin! C'mon Tyler!" She walked in and gazed at Phil. "Oh my, Phil! You looked so handsome, almost as handsome as Dan," She winked.

"You saw Dan? Is he okay?" Louise nodded and grabbed Tyler's hand as she began dragging him from the room.

"Yes, he is very excited! Now, get your shoes on, it's almost time!" Louise and Tyler scurried from the room, leaving Phil to his thoughts. He sat down on the wooden bench and pulled on his black lace up shoes. 

Phil looked around the room one last time, taking in how he felt. He wanted to remember every part of the day. He gazed out the window, looking at all his friends and family seated and waiting for the ceremony to begin. He took in the empty room one last time, stared in the mirror, and began walking towards the doors. 

"It's time," His mum smiled at him. Phil smiled and nodded. He followed his mum through the building until they reached where everyone was. Everyone was standing in a line, waiting to begin walking through the doors to the garden in the back and down the aisle. 

"Now this is what you're going to do. You're going to stand right behind this door and watch everyone walk down the aisle. When the last person goes, you will walk out into the hall and so will Dan. Then, you will walk down the aisle together, okay?" His mum told him. He smiled and stared at the door that he knew Dan was behind.

"Okay, thank you for your help, Mum." Her eyes watered as she kissed Phil's cheek.

"I love you, now wait for your handsome fiance!" She pushed behind the door and slammed it shut. Phil watched as everyone in the ceremony began to leave the room and go to the garden. First it was Jim and Tanya, then Troye and Tyler, then Zoe and Alfie. Once he watched Zoe and Alfie leave the room, he pushed the door open and walked out to the hall. He watched as Dan emerged, his beautiful appearance causing Phil to freeze.

"Hi gorgeous," Dan said cheekily, walking up to grab Phil's hand. Phil stuck his tongue out and squeezed Dan's hand.

"Ready?" He asked, staring into Dan's chocolate eyes.

"I need to do one last thing," Dan whispered, pressing his lips to Phil's. Phil cupped Dan's face in his hands and smiled. "Okay," he whispered, "I'm ready now." 

Phil took Dan's hand back into his own and the butterflies grew stronger, except they were no longer there from anxiety, they were there from excitement. 

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Dan." Phil whispered as they began walking down the aisle.

"Shh, just smile and look pretty. We have the rest of our lives to tell each other those things," Dan joked as they began walking. Phil smiled in content. The rest of our lives, he thought. That sounded pretty good to him.

Aaaaaaannnddddd that's a wrap! Thank you to everyone who stuck by me during this story, it would have gotten no where without you! Lots of love -Kaela

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