Chapter 42 ~ The Big News

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Btw I just noticed that it says 'chaoter 41' instead of 'chapter 41' last chapter so if you see that I updated and it brings you to Chapter 41 just know that I just changed it so yeah.


"Rise and shine Jeremy," Kim said in a surprisingly happy tone as she pushed Jeremy's curtain off to the side revealing the bright sun that burned Jeremy's eyes.

"Oops," Kim quickly shut the blinds as soon as she saw Jeremy squinting more than usual, "it's just that there very special day planned today."

Both of royals got ready and went to go find the others in living room doing their own things. (That didn't make sense but go along with it).

Kim went over to where briefcase was sitting and sat next to him. She then started to whisper something in his ear and she looked very very very excited which frightened Jeremy a little bit.

He looked around the room for a place for him to sit but all the seats were taken.

"Well," Jeremy sighed to himself, "time to be fat." He continued to walk into the kitchen and then he took a completely uneaten carton of sherbet Ice cream out of the freezer. He brought it over to the dining room table directly located in the room to the right of the kitchen and brought along a clean metal spoon with him. Then, he dug in.

A while later, Kim called for a mandatory meeting in the living room. Jeremy being Jeremy brought the ice cream carton with him.

"Ok so, I called you guys here because me and Briefcase have special news," Kim started off, grabbing everyone's full attention.

She grinned as if Naruto never ended. Her smile was so genuine for once and her face lit up like time square at night. She was happy.

"Me and Briefcase are getting married!" She shouted, ending the suspense that was created.

Everyone jumped out of their seats and started congratulating the both of them, completely ignoring the fact that they are only thirteen years old and probably going to regret it in the future but oh well.

Jeremy was the only one that didn't get out of his seat though. Don't get him wrong, he was happy for the two. It's just he was deep inside his thoughts.

It was going to happen. His plan is going to end successfully.

Two and a half months of pain will be worth it.

"Jeremy?" Kim said making everyone's head turns towards him. Kim knew that Jeremy had his own view on things but she was hoping for just once he agrees with her.

"Look, I'm not saying I agree with getting married young. Like really young. But I will support you on any decision you make in your life," he replied making KIMS smile a little bigger.

"So," Jeremy said, "when's the wedding?"

"Next month," briefcase replied.

"Ok, no," Jeremy replied, "you can't plan a wedding in just one month. It takes months of preparation -"

"Yes exactly, that's why we have you guys - I mean we all did plan a coronation and a funeral in basically 3 days - we got this guys," Kim smiled. "So will you guys help us out?" She asked.

"Of course,"

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