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"Jeremy," radiant walked closer in disbelief, "is that really you?"

He didn't speak, but he did nod his head. Then shadow walked up closer and stood next to radiant, "so you're Jeremy? I've heard so much about you, I'm shadow," she stuck her hand out for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you," Jeremy shook her hand in confusion.

Everyone then simultaneously remembered that Jeremy still hasn't met everyone since he left, specifically Giraffe and Shadow, so giraffe introduced himself.

"Im giraffe, Trinity's, um. Trinity's something," giraffe said. Weirdly enough Trinity and him haven't really made anything between them official, both of them realize that at the same time.

"Nice to meet you I guess," he slightly laughed with a faint smile on his face since Trinity got over her little thing she had with Nike Socks. But then he noticed something.

"Where's Nike socks?" He asked. Then he turned his attention to Trinity.

"Oh um, he, he passed away," she replied with memories flashing through her head.

Jeremy instantly regretted asking that so he just continued on the previous conversation, "so who are you?" He turned over to shadow.

"I'm the queen of The Wasabi Kingdom," she simply replied.

"Queen," his breath hitched as he looked over to Radiant, "so, um, so you two are a thing?" He added on making his hopes of him and radiant being together disappear.

"Yes, and actually we're married," Shadow smiled, clearly clueless about the situation that almost everyone in the room knew about.

"Of course you are," Jeremy said planting a fake yet believable smile on his face, "you too seem perfect together."

For the next minute or so the room was filled with awkward silence. It was so silent you could literally hear every single one of the royals heart beat.

"Well, this was great," Kim said breaking the silence.

"Shut up Kim," Trinity immediately said, "I thought you said you'd never come back,"

"I thought I wasn't coming back," he replied, "but I just really needed to see some of your faces again," he added on glancing at radiant for a split second.

Once again the royals were all silent, it was kind of like it was a tradition for all of them to be quiet every single day.

"Well um, it was nice meeting you guys and seeing you guys again," Jeremy broke the silence and started to walk away.

"Wait, where are you going?" Emma asked.

He glanced back once he made it to the doorway, "out," he said then walked out.

Jeremy proceeded to walk down the long and empty hallway until he reached the gates. He walked out, down the steps and onto the sidewalk with not many people on it. He continued as he passed by and stopped civilians dead in their tracks since they recognized their old leader. Jeremy did smile at some of them but ended up ignoring most of them since he kept having to put on a fake smile for them.

He continued to walk down the sidewalk until he made it to the small coffee shop at the corner of Red Street. He opened the door and went straight to the barista standing in front of the cash register.

"And what may I get you?" They asked as they looked up and smiled.

"Just a coffee please," Jeremy whispered quietly but loud enough for them to hear.

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