Chapter 46 ~ The Newcomers

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1 Y E A R  L A T E R

(TBH I can't imagine what anyone of us would look like when we're all 15 or 16 BUT ANYWAYS)

After he left, the kingdom did better with radiant in charge. And to be honest, He was holding the kingdom back, a lot. Turns out, everything was better off without him.

"Trinity," radiant said sitting down doing work, "can you go down to the docks with Nike Socks, we're expecting a new shipment of goods soon today and I'm pretty busy planning out the new coronation," he added on.

Trinity simply agreed because she didn't want to start an argue that early into the day.

She walked down to the docks where Nike Socks was there waiting for the arrival. Once she made it, she made eye contact with him but didn't approach him or anything, she just simply sat somewhere far away but with the docks still in her view.

You see, things haven't been going so well between them ever since they found out about the prophecy because once they saw the wedding, Nike Socks automatically assumed it was them but Trinity didn't since she knew she didn't want to get married when she was 13, pshhhh, morals.

Soon enough a Merchant shipped docked and a tall guy walked out that looked about the same age as the royals.

"Hello," he walked up to Trinity with a grin on his face as Nike socks watched from a distance, "My names Giraffe and you must be Aphrodite," he added on grabbing trinitys hand and kissing the top of it.

Trinity was flustered but she kept her cool, "oh, no, my names Trinity, but you can call me Aphrodite, or anytime you're free," she replied.

"Trinity huh," he replied back quick, "what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

And it was like that for a while, them flirting with each other back and forth constantly until Nike Socks stopped the Cringe-fest.

"If you guys don't mind, we have a ship filled with goods that we have to unload," he said sounding the slightest bit annoyed.

Giraffe and Trinity turned their attention to him and without hesitation giraffe introduced himself again.

"I'm giraffe, nice to meet you," he said extending his hand out for Nike Socks to shake

"I've heard," Nike socks replied back, "now if you don't mind, we still have a ship to unload," he added on, walking away.

"I'm sorry about him," Trinity apologize.

"No need," giraffe replied, "but I've been meaning to ask you something. I know we just met literally 10 minutes ago but do you wanna maybe go out sometime?"

Trinity was hesitant. She looked behind giraffe to see Nike Socks carrying boxes. She didn't want to admit that things were completely over between them, but she knew if it was she had to move on. So, with one word she ended any confusion that was left running in her brain.


3 H O U R S  L A T E R

It just turned noon and they finished unloading the ship. Nike Socks and Finnigan were in the kitchen washing dishes. They had a clear view of the living room so they saw the other royals.

Hadiyah and Angel weren't there. After Radiants 2nd Coronation they had no business to stay for so they went back to their own kingdoms.

OhWait was sitting on the couch next to his new boyfriend, Jack. He broke up with his old one when they had a fight since Ohwait kept losing at Mario Kart.

Radiant was watching tv on the recliner while looking through an old photo album of the royals. He was put in the album the previous year by Jeremy, he remembered that. And for some reason he felt alone without him there by his side, after all, he wouldn't have became royal without him.

Kim was reading Briefcase smut, trying to get him interested in fan fictions because he always questioned why she read them.

The soon-to-be royal sat on the floor with Kobe looking up at the tv like people used to do when they were younger.

And Trinity was talking to Giraffe on the other couch. Nike Socks nearly broke 3 dishes because he was paying attention to them flirting which made him angry because he still had feeling for Trinity.

"Is it wrong that I want to kidnap giraffe and drive him up to mount Andrea and push him down?" He angrily asked Finnigan as he put away the dry plates and cups sitting on the counter.

"Dude, you're jealous," Finnigan said.

"Oh really?" Nike socks sarcastically replied back, "UGHHHHHH, is it wrong for me to be jealous?"

"I mean, no. I was kinda jealous when Jeremy hung out with Radiant and became close to him," Finnigan sighed.

"That's different," Nike Socks pointed out, "because you see, he gave you his heart while you gave him a break."

A while later Radiant left the living room and came back 30 minutes later with someone by his side. Everyone was still conveniently still in the living room.

"Everyone," he said getting their undivided attention, "meet a new member to the royals," he said gesturing to Emma. Her coronation will be on the same day as Kalebs which is two months for now so we should start preparing soon."

(TBH I only put this because Emma was going to be more annoying than usual if I didn't. Btw no more chew chews for you Emma)

"Sure, and while you're at it, let's make everyone in this damn kingdom, royal," Trinity replied rolling her eyes.

"Psh, that's a ridiculous idea Trinity what's wrong with you," Radiant replied, "anyways she's not that relevant anyways so yeah."

So Two months later the coronation was held and Kaleb and Emma became royal. Kaleb was really excited since he has been wanting to be a royal for most of his life, while Emma was just happy she was mentioned.

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Also it looks like Trinity has them hoes lined up

I regret downloading ios.10 TBH



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