Chapter 39 ~ The Prophecy pt.II

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"What do you mean it's us?" Emma said, "I don't see my face anywhere in any of these drawings." Then Mei, Sydney, and Nico went on and said the same thing.

"I didn't mean 'us' us. I meant 'us' as in the people who are sleeping in this castle currently," Jeremy replied. "So, the royals," Nico replied.

"Exactly," Jeremy said, "but if it is us," he continued, "then who's that?" He added on, pointing to the last drawing. It was an illustration of a person and they were hanging from ceiling fan, dead.

It was quiet (hehehe I told you it happens every chapter) they were all looking at each other, all with different expressions on their face. They looked back down at the drawing, all were still quiet, well, that was until Emma spoke up.

"Well hey," she said standing up straight and looking at everyone besides Jeremy, "at least we're not Royal. So it can't be us," then they looked at each other again and their expressions softened. That was when Sydney spoke up. "Well she's got a point," she said, but Jeremy was worried. It could be anyone.

"Don't worry, Jeremy," Nico said, "it's a one out of eleven chance for it to be you."

"Well not exactly," Jeremy replied, "see this?" He pointed over to four drawings, "these people are obviously getting married, even though they're like what? 12,13,14? But that's not the point, the point is that we don't know who exactly are the people getting married in these so for all we know they could be marrying a civilian and so they become royal making the chances of it being me in the drawings a lot slimmer."

"Well how do you know that the marriages come before the death?" Mei asked.

"I don't," he replied, "but what I do know is that these already happened," he added on, pushing papers off to the side. "How?" Sydney asked.

"Wow, for a dumb group of people, you sure do ask a lot of questions," Jeremy complained, earning a smack on the backside of his head by Emma. "Hey," she argued, "don't ever say i am a person." Then everyone stared at her.

"Moving on then," Jeremy said, "so if I'm correct, and it is us in the picture, then this should happen next," he added pointing over to the drawing directly to the right of the girl with the knife in her back on the bed, surrounded by people, which he thought to be Liza's death.

"What is it?" Mei asked.

Jeremy turned over to look at the group. Emma was clearly not interested at all in the prophecy, probably because she's not in it. Nico was looking at the pictures that stood on the mantel above the fire place Mostly the pictures of, well you know, Kobe. Cause Kico. Sydney was reading a book for some reason cause she's a nerd, even though you're reading a book rn. And Mei, being the kind person she is was actually listening to Jeremy's theories.

"It's my coronation."

. .  .  .  .
  If it's too short for you
Then cry
  You guys should be happy I updated in a short amount of time

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