Chapter 41 ~ The Funeral

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It was currently the next day. Everyone celebrated Jeremy's coronation, well, everyone besides him. After his break down in front of the whole kingdom, he was brought home to the castle and he locked himself in his room.

Kim and Hadiyah left the park to go and see if he was okay, but when they got to the castle, Trinity had told them that Jeremy locked himself away in his room.

Jeremy was lying down on his bed. He was lost in his own thoughts, with only one question on his mind. How was he going to face everyone after his break down.

Don't get him wrong, he did some pretty embarrassing things before he became king, and even before he became Prince. But this situation was quite different for him.

You see, Jeremy isn't one for showing his emotions. He would always keep them to himself. And whenever he did show them, it was pretty rare.

Ok so basically all you need to know is that he locked himself in his room for the rest of the day.

So back to present time. Jeremy was still in his room, but he was actually sleeping. Trinity along with many other royals were already at Beacon Hills trying to set up the rest of Liza's Funeral. But Kim stayed behind. For Jeremy.

"Jeremy, open your door before I break it down," Kim shouted from the other side.

"The only thing you're gonna break is your arm," Jeremy replied, "in plus, I was going to go out of my room later."

"No you aren't," Kim groaned leaning on his door and looking at her nails.

"Wanna bet," Jeremy replied fairly annoyed by Kim's jump to conclusions. As he said that, he opened the door quickly, making Kim fall, face first, onto the ground.

"Ow," she groaned again while getting up. "Well that's just great," she stated, "You broke my noise you irrelevant cow," she added on, rubbing some of the blood off her face with her fingers.

"You. Are. Welcome." Jeremy said, quiet proud of himself while walking off into the kitchen.

It was time for the funeral. Well, there was 30 minutes before it started but Jeremy convinced Kim to stop by the flower shop before they arrive.

As they were walking they were silent. Not one word was spoken to each other ever since they left the castle because honestly, they both just wanted the day to end quicker.

They stopped by the shop and got a dozen roses and started to walk towards Beacon Hills.
Jeremy turned over to Kim to say something but then he bumped into a particularly tall person.

He looked up to see a blond guy wearing a scarf, in summer. Just then, a whole pack of people ran by and called out to what Jeremy thought was their friend. "Isaac, Come on?" A guy wearing a red jacket called out. Then the tall blond guy apologized for bumping into Jeremy and ran off.

(You. Are. Welcome. @ Trinity)

"That was weird," Kim said.

"Yeah," Jeremy trailed on, "anyways we don't wanna be late," he added on, picking up the roses that he dropped and walked away.

Once they made it all the way up to beacon hills, they were 10 minutes late. Apparently bumping into a cute person really takes up your time. And because they were late, Trinity had to say the speech that Jeremy was supposed to make.

Kim and Jeremy were standing under a tree, scanning their eyes across the sea of people who came to mourn over the loss of their Queen. But Jeremy being who he is, stared at two specific people. Finnigan, and a brunette that he didn't recognize.

The brunette was crying, like most of the other citizens, but she laid her head on his shoulders. And Finnigan was comforting Her. In fact, he was doing everything to help comfort her. He rubbed her shoulder with the arm he wrapped around her shoulder, he kissed the top of her head, and he even started to whisper sweet nothings into her ear, which seemed to comfort her.

But Jeremy wasn't okay, but then again, when is he ever okay.

He clenched his fist around the roses as blood started to slowly go down his hand since he forgot there were thorns still attached to the stems.

"Jeremy," Kim said looking down at his hand that was currently dripping blood, but he couldn't hear her. "Dude, your hands bleeding," Kim said slightly cringing at the sight of someone else's blood.

That time Jeremy heard her and he looked down to his right hand now oozing with his blood. He softened his grip and a took a deep breath. Kim saw and slapped the back of his head.

"Stop pretending you're in a drama show, you don't need to take a deep breath before anything you do like I remember last week when you took a deep breath before showing like stop," she ranted, walking off into the crowd.

After the funeral, many people went off to do their own things. Jeremy approached Trinity after the funeral and judging by her face, she wasn't very impressed with Jeremy's tardiness.

"Dude where the hell where you?" She snapped at Jeremy which took him by surprise. Before Jeremy could answer, Trinity continued, "the people were expecting their new and 'strong' leader to show up and help everyone grieve, but you weren't there. Why don't you get your head out of your ass for once and act mature. Ok, so what, your crush didn't show up for your coronation, boo hoo, but thousands did you ungrateful twat."

"Ok first of all, I don't act immature because I am mature," Jeremy replied making Kim laugh but he ignored her and went on, "second of all, stop acting like you're my mom, you can't tell me what to do."

"Hey," Trinity shrugged, "at least I'm not dead," and with that she walked away with a proud slapped on her face.

"Well damn," Kim said breaking the awkward tension.

Later that day, or, night, everyone was back in the castle doing their own things. Like always, Angel, Penguin, and Briefcase were in a private office doing what they do best, making plans to ruining a demons life.

But things were different that night. Something was added to their plan, well, more like a someone.

Let's start from the beginning of the meeting.

Never Mind because the author of this book is too lazy. Let's just skip to the 'dramatic part' that's always at the end of the chapter. Basically, that last quote.

The three were talking about new ways to plot against Jeremy as usual. Trinity being her tired self was walking to her room until she overheard her name being said in an office she's never been in.

She walked closer and pressed her ear against the door to listen in.

Blah blah blah she hears things about what they did to make trinity mad at Jeremy, andddddd back to the story.

The office doors flew open which startled the three. After the initial shock, the three were wondering what Trinity was going to do since she probably overheard them talking about her.
It was her turn to make a move.

"So I hear you guys are trying to break Jeremy," she grinned, then she leaned in close onto the table so all three of them can hear her. Then she whispered in a faint voice three word that would change the whole game. "I want in"

. . .







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