#1 Prologue

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Your POV

"Damn, my life is a mess." I mumbled to myself as I gather the books from my locker for the next two classes.

"One more month to go, Y/N. And you'll be out from this hell."

I walked through the corridor and avoided all the eyes. But I couldn't avoid this one bitch, Hailey, she is the one who send all her hates on me because of who I am just because she is the daughter of the principal, Mr. Smith. I got bullied and it was all started by her, and sometimes I still get annoyed by the others. I have different upper and lower body, so yeah, I was born intersex, have boobs and a penis. So, what? My parents accept me for who I am and my dad even helped me through my circumcised moment, I swear it was rough. I am so thankful for them tho. But why does she hate me so much though? Ugh. One day, bitch, one day.

I tried to walk faster when I saw Hailey just to avoid her, but she blocked my way.

"What?!" I nearly yelled, completely annoyed by her presence.

"Oh, nothing. Just saying that it's a month left and I'm gonna stop hating on you, but you have to be my servant for this whole month." She smirked.

What. The. Hell. Ugh.

"I am not gonna do it." I said in annoyance.

"Well, I'm just gonna say to my dad that you-"

"Fine. Now what?!" I said in anger.

"Just do what I say, dumbass." Hailey said.

"Right." I rolled my eyes.

"Bring my backpack." Hailey said and throw it on me. I catch it because I play ball. Don't think I can't handle this, bitch.

"My next class is Math, just put that in that class." Hailey said and then walks off with her friends.

I walked to Math classroom and put her bag on one of the chairs and stormed off to English classroom. I took a sit in the third row on second fourth base, just so I can look at the board nicely and not being paid attention by the teacher that maybe sometimes I will yawn, doodling, or etc when I get bored. I'm an early person, I don't know why.


"So, what did you choose?" Alex asked me.

"UCLA." I said, smiling to him.

"YASS!!" He jumped off of his chair and do a weird dancing.

"Stop it. Lex, stop!" I said while giggling.

"I can't believe it, girl. We're going to LA together! We're gonna pursue our dreams in the same university!" He literally yelled.

"Calm. Down. Alex."

"I can't. I'm so excited!" He said.

"I know, me too." I laughed.

"Hey, do you know where's Hailey gonna go? I just don't want that bitch still walking around in the same place as me." I said and sigh.

"Don't worry. She's going to Miami U." Alex said.

"Good. I am so relieved. That bitch... ugh." I mumbled.

"Well, it's two weeks to go. So, no worries, you can do this tho." He assured.

"Yeah, as I grew bigger and taller than her and practically almost everybody. And after they knew I've been taking kungfu classes at my uncle's place, the bullying stopped tho. But she keeps hating me, it's stupid just because I have a dick and a lesbian." I said and laugh.

"You're still beautiful tho." He said.

"Nope. As I step into college life, I'm gonna cut my hair like a guy. I prefer to be called... handsome." I smirked.

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