#23 Time To Go Back

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Your POV

Time passed by, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, and I realized it was over three years ago. I couldn't reach her and I gave up after a year, I guess she moved on. I ignored everyone that cares about me. That's just what I do, shutting everybody out. It just makes it easier. I even have been having a hard time on taking care of myself and now I have a long hair. I even got thiner, I just don't look good at all.

If you're asking what happened to Zendaya, she checked in for a therapist. I don't actually care, but I couldn't blame her with her situation. She didn't tell me about her problem, I mean, why would she?

My mom, dad, and Nate are worried. Even Simon is too, he hasn't stopped on calling me. I haven't talked to them since. Yet here I am, on my bed, in my apartment, in London. Yes, I moved away, but I thought at first it was just for a while regarding the problem I had back there, or still have, but clearly my feelings for Camila just wouldn't go away. It hurts me every time I see her on my phone and literally everywhere.

My career? You can say that I blew it off, I even dropped the tour just like that after the incident. I.. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I know I have to do something to fix it. I'd written dozen of songs; sad songs you could say; and I'm sure I could make some albums from them. The news about me missing; not missing, it was like I just disappeared from the music industry; weren't even freshened any more. They got tired of it months after I had 'disappeared' and decided to drop it off, I guess.

I don't know why people didn't let someone to track me down, or maybe they let me be? I don't care at all. I could just careless. I mean, you could just easily track me down, since I used my credit card sometimes. And my phone though, you could easily track it down and boom, here I am all along for 3 fucking years. But I guess they don't care now, right? I keep my credit card data for myself, so if somebody asks the bank where was my last transaction. They wouldn't let them know. I put my phone on a flight mode most of time or just shut it off, only in an important situation I open it up.

I turned on my phone, waiting for it for a while. Then I felt it buzzed nonstop, again. I looked over the clock on the wall, it was showing 2.26 PM. Yep, at times like this, it would be Simon. He hasn't given up. But Camila had given up a few months after my disappearing. Now I guess I'm the one who has to give up. From hiding. So, I swiped the answer button, not missing to hissed in pain to my fresh cuts on my wrist.

"Hello?" My voice was raspy, exhaustness was evident.

"Y/N?" He called.


"Oh my, God. You finally answer! Where are you? It's been three years and the world has been looking for you. Please, come back, kiddo. We need you." He said.

"I.. Simon..." I only managed to say his name.

"Please, Y/N." He sounded like pleading. I sighed and thought for a moment.

"I guess.. I-Okay." I said.


"Yeah, okay. I'll book a ticket to LA tomorrow." I said.

"Where are you now?"

"London." I said flatly. "Oh, actually Simon. Can I go home to Miami first. I need to see my family. And can you please not tell the girls?"

"Of course. Go ahead. Take your time." He said.

"Thanks, Simon." I said.

"No problem, Y/N." He said. "See you."

"See you." I said and hung up. I opened my laptop and quickly booked a ticket plane. After that I packed as much as I could. It doesn't matter, I could save this place for something important in the future. Hell, I even bought a Lamborghini when I arrived at this town. You can now say I'm a snob bitch, which now I don't care. I'm a car lover, I can't help it.

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