#12 Busy Days (Or Nah?)

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[Smut Warning]

Your POV

I'd been working on recording new songs for these past 4 weeks and now that I got 4 and a half songs, I got to take a rest for a while before continuing the fifth song and got in the tour with Camila and the girls. And yeah, I barely spent time with Camila and the girls because I almost worked everyday and they'd been on rehearsals for the tour and everything and I only spent time with them on breakfasts and dinners and sometimes I visited them a few times in their studio, even sometimes I skipped dinner because of how focused I was at work. And here I was sitting alone at the nearest Starbucks from SYCO building, waiting for the girls to come out from rehearsals and just then I saw Alex came in.

"Bro!" I shouted and he turned his head, as soon as he saw me he smiled widely.

"Wait there, I'mma order a drink." He said and I nodded. After getting his drink he sat down in front me.

"So how's it?" I asked, smirking at him.

"How's what?" He asked, completely dumbfounded.

"Ugh, how was Lauren?" I asked in a duh tone.

"Oh, she's great. I mean.. I like her so much. Any chance that she'll feel the same towards me?" He asked. I need to punch some sense to him, I guess.

"Duh! She likes you a lot, dude." I said and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Really?" He asked, sounded so excited.

"Yes, really. You're just too oblivious. But if you hurt her.." I shot daggers at him with my eyes. "You know what I can do."

"I won't. Besides I'm your best friend! You know how I can be when I fall in love!" He defended and I laughed, nodding vigorously.

"I just feel the need in protecting her, I love her, Lexy. She's just like my sister already." I said.

"Good for you then." He said.

"Yeah. I know. Just-" I was cut off by my phone blasting, it sang "Shorty had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur. The whole club-" just before it continued the rest I took it out from my pocket and instantly swiping answer button, because I only give that ringtone only for you know who and because she has a fine ass butt.

"Hey, babe." I said and I saw look at Alex who was smirking.

"Hey, baby. Me and the girls are done with rehearsal, where are you?"

"Oh, I'm at Starbucks, babe. And ran to Alex, he's with me now. Tell Lauren.. I'm waiting. I love you, baby." I said.

"Okay. I love you too, baby." And she hung up after.

"Well, well, well, Y/L/N. Already falling in love, aren't ya? Eh, it's obvious, you had a crush on her since God knows when." Alex said and chuckled.

"Jealous, aren't ya?" I smirked.

"What? Psshh. No. I have Lauren." He smirked back.

"Woah, really?" I smirked even more.

"Y-yes." He stuttered.

"Jeez. You  stuttered, Aiono. Just ask her out already, doofus." I slapped his forehead and he winched in pain.

"What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his forehead.

"For being a stupid idiot." I smiled.

"I'm not-" "Hey, guys!" The girls' voices echoed in the room, making us turned our head towards them and some other people.

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