#7 Company

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Your POV

I woke up and I immediately groaned. I'm not complaining though, I'm just not a morning person. I was planning about to take Camila on the beach since she loves that place so much, and maybe I could sing for her, we would have a picnic under the stars on the lowest place on earth. I wriggled myself slowly to get out from Camila's embrace, it was still 7, no wonder she hadn't awoken yet, not even moved an inch.

I slowly tiptoed to Dinah and Mani's room, at that point I didn't care, I want this to be perfect because Camila is perfect for me. The thought of her being my girlfriend made me shudder, in a good way. I opened the door slowly and I was kinda shocked because Dinah and Mani's sleeping is equal to a mess. Dinah's legs were on top of Mani's body, literally one on her boob and one on her stomach. And Mani had her right arm on Dinah's face, they were like cuddled up but I guess since the night had passed, they moved position. And the blanket was on the very edge of the bed and was ready to fall off, wow.

"Norminah." I whispered. No respond.

"Norminah!" I whisper-yelled. Jesus Christ, these girls are sure like to sleep.

"Norminah!" I finally said with my raspy morning voice, it was so low, I cringed. But actually it wasn't not that bad though. But the thing was, Dinah and Mani still didn't wake up. Jeez. Forgive me, people.

I jumped on the bed and started jumping like a maniac who just got out from jail.

"Oh my, God! Camila! Stop! We need to sleep!" Dinah whined.

"Mila, stop! What time is it? I bet it's still early, just go back to sleep." Mani said.

"It's actually me, guys." I said and got off from the bed.

"Y/N?" Mani asked.

"Yeah. Sorry for disturbing your sleep, but I need your help, guys." I said slowly. And finally Norminah got up and sat down next to each other.

"Okay, shoot." Dinah said still in a sleepy face.

"Remember my date with Camila?" I asked and they both nodded.

"Alright. I have a plan of taking her for a night picnic on the nearest beach. What do you think?" I asked.

"Well, that's actually pretty good because Camila loves the beach and what not. So what help do you need from us?" Dinah asked to the point.

"I want your help to set up the place. I imagined that it the blanket will surrounded by candles, small candles, and if we can add some roses petals? It'd be looked so romantic. I'll bring pillows." I said.

"Okay. First thing first, when is the date?" Dinah asked.

"Do you have a picnic basket?" Mani asked, almost at the same time.

"Okay. I'm thinkin' about tonight? And I have a picnic basket, don't worry. I'll take it out from my stockroom later." I said.

"Alright. So here's the plan, you and Ally do your cover first. And me and Mani will rush to grab some foods and the candles. And don't forget to tell me a florist nearest, I don't know one in here. Deal?" Dinah asked.

"Okay, deal." I said. "Thanks, guys. You're the best."

I got out from their room and they got back to sleep. I walked into the kitchen and started making bacon and eggs. I was enjoying the moment and I was humming some songs until I felt weird, you know, the feeling when someone is looking at you from your back or somewhere else but you don't know? So I turned around and saw Camila leaning on the counter, looking at me lovingly.

"Hey, Cam. Good morning, beautiful." I greeted. "Have some breakfast."

"Good morning, handsome. I'll eat later. Please, come cuddle with me for a while." She said.

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