#20 Happy 11th Birthday, Nate!

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Your POV

I'd been outside with Nate to let the others to set up a party at the beach for his birthday and of course, the boy didn't know it. We had called his friends to attend the party as well, mom and dad agreed, Camila's parents even helped. Lauren and Alex and their families as well. And we were in the mall now, shopping for anything he wanted.

 And we were in the mall now, shopping for anything he wanted

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(Nate's outfit.)

(Y/N's outfit

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(Y/N's outfit.)

"So, where do we go next, bud?" I asked him. We were now sitting on a bench at the park, enjoying our hotdogs. We had been shopping things, from clothes to video games, all for him.

"I don't know. What about we drop these things first at the house and let's see from there?" He asked, then took a bite of his food.

"Good idea." I smiled, just then I felt my phone buzzed.

BabyGirl💘: Hey, babe. How was your siblings day? Me and the others have finished setting up the beach and just got home. So, when do you guys come back? I miss you☹️

I chuckled at the message.

Me: It's great. Nate and I are having a good time. We're at the park anyway, eating hotdogs. We're going back after this. I miss you too, baby💕
BabyGirl💘: Okay, good. I can't wait for Nate's party, so I can kiss you💋
Me: Alright. Just wait for that, babe. I love you😘
BabyGirl💘: Okay. I love you too💋

"Alright, bud. You done? We gotta go." I said, taking the last bite of my hotdog.

"Yep. Let's go." He said and got up. We brought our bags and walked back to the car, Nate had asked if we could use my Camaro and I agreed on it.

I sped up to the highway, making our way to our house. When we got in the house, everybody were doing something by theirselves and I could see a frown and pout on my brother's face. And it even became more evident when our dad just asked how we were doing today. I giggled silently at that.

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