#3 The Developing Feelings

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Your POV

I woke up with some weight on me and noticed that it's Camila. She has her head on my chest, snoring softly, her hair spread all over. The thing is, she still looks good and I can't even ask for more. Why she has to be beautiful and all, everything she does is just... perfect. I mean, she always looks beautiful doing anything! Ugh. I know I've been having a big, really big crush on Camila since I know the girls when their first debut came out. And when I watched Miss Movin' On MV for the first time after it was released, it's just hard not to like Camila. Oh, gosh, what will I do though?

I felt her stir over and slowly open her eyes. Then she looked up at me, I was quiet startled because I wasn't prepared.

"Good morning, Y/N." She said in a raspy morning voice. Ugh, it's so sexy. Shit, I hope she doesn't recognize my morning wood.

"Good morning, beautiful." I said and she smiled.

"Have you been looking at me?" She asked.

"No." I lied.

"Liar." She smirked.

"Sorry. I can't help it. You're so beautiful and clutching on me while sleeping, the one and only Camila Cabello, holy shit, I'm so lucky." I said awkwardly.

"It's okay." She said and kissed my chin. Alright, not gonna wash that area. LOL. Just kidding.

"I'm gonna wash my face and brush my teeth. It's almost seven, do you think the others are already awake?" I asked.

"Nope. They won't until almost 9 maybe, so I'm gonna wash my face and brush my teeth too." She said standing up and then stretches her body. I did the same but did an extra hard work to cover my morning wood and walked to the bathroom.

"There's new toothbrushes in the third drawer." I said to Camila and she picked one.

She pulled her hair and made it into a messy bun. So hot, I swear. After we washed our faces and brush our teeth, we walked out of my room to the kitchen.

"I'm gonna make breakfast. What do you want, Camila?" I asked.

"I'm sure the others will love waffles. I'm in the mood for waffles." She said sweetly. "I'm gonna help."

After making the waffles, we put them on six plates. And we made up the dining table.

"I have a special topping for you, beautiful." I said.

"Oh, really. What is it?" She asked.

"Close your eyes." I said and pull out a banana from the fridge.

"Open now." I said and she looked at me.

"Here." I said to her, handing the banana.

"Banana! Awe, thank you, Y/N. You're so sweet." She said, hugging me.

"Told you, I know about you and the girls a lot." I said. "There's some more in the fridge."

"But seriously, banana is the best." She said, opening the one I gave her and took a bite.

"I thought you wanna eat it with the waffles. By the way banana is my second favorite fruit, the first one is apple." I chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll grab another for waffles' topping." She giggled. "I really love bananas."

Just then I heard some knocks on the door. Probably Alex. Oh, yeah! That boy, I haven't told him. Oh, my God. I ran to the door motioning Camila to wait in the kitchen.

"Hey, Lex! Morning, grumpy." I greeted him.

"Ugh, you know me too well. I hate morning classes. Can I grab breakfast here real quick? I miss your cooking." He pouted.

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