#14 Off The Tour

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Here's the list of the tour in order (I didn't put in the date because you know, this is a book anyway.):

1. Tel Aviv, Israel
2. Abu Dhabi, U.A.E
3. Dubai, U.A.E
4. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
5. Kallang, Singapore
6. Jakarta, Indonesia
7. Bali, Indonesia
8. Brisbane, Australia
9. Sydney, Australia
10. Canberra, Australia
11. Melbourne, Australia
12. Adelaide, Australia
13. Perth, Australia
14. Manila, Philippines
15. Hanoi, Vietnam
16. Bangkok, Thailand
17. Hong Kong, Hong Kong
18. Guang Zhou, China
19. Shanghai, China
20. Taipei, Taiwan
21. Beijing, China
22. Pyongyang, North Korea
23. Seoul, South Korea
24. Osaka, Japan
25. Tokyo, Japan

(Sorry if the list disappoint y'all, I'm no good yet and I looked up on Justin's My World Tour list and followed a bit from that and I added some town and countries, you're welcome because I'm being honest.)


Your POV

Christmas and New Year holidays were well spent. Mom, Dad, and Nate took an overnight flight to LA just to spend time with me. Well, They obviously couldn't fit in my apartment since it's already full. But Ally and Normani went home to Texas to spend holidays with their families. Dinah, Lauren, and Camila's family flew over to LA as well. Somehow we managed to get all of them to stay at the same hotel. My family and Camila's went along real quick and they were so hype when they knew we were together. Gosh, I couldn't ask for more than this, it was just more than enough. 2 and a half weeks holiday touched the end so the families went back to their origin cities and went back to their normal activities, which sucked. But me, Alex and the girls has a tour to turn up.

So, today's the day. We're in the air, on a private jet flying to our first Asian country, Tel Aviv, Israel. Well, Israel's not an Asian country but still.. nevermind. I actually can't wait to see people and fans there. Camila was sleeping with her head on my shoulder and her arm linking with mine. I smiled at her, loving the feeling and chills she gave to me. Every time she's around, the atmosphere would immediately change into a good one. Oh, how I love this girl. And not forgetting on Lauren, she had been attached to Alex since we got in the airport. Just wishing good luck for them. After a while, I felt myself a difficulty on keeping eyes open so I put my head on top of hers and dozed off.

"Okay, lovebirds! Let's get up, we're in Israel now." Dinah said and I opened my eyes and groaned.

"Oh, no. No groaning. Get yo ass up you two. Chop chop!" She clapped her hands twice and left. I groaned once again followed by Camila.

"My body hurts." She muttered.

"Sorry, babe. Let's get outta here, yeah?" I said, standing up. I reached my hand out and she grabbed it and got up. We got out from the plane and catch up with the others. Thank God, we have one and a half day off, because I was so sure jet lag would immediately kick in soon.


Concert's day...

I was ready to warm up the stage before the girls up, the crowd looked insane and the place looked amazingly full. I was in my costume for the stage, minutes before my turn to jazz up the stage.

 I was in my costume for the stage, minutes before my turn to jazz up the stage

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