#10 Revealed

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[Smut Warning]

Your POV

"Camila.." I moaned as she kissed me hungrily.

"Take off your clothes." She demanded. I took off everything and when I was about to slip my boxer down, she held it up. "Let me do it." She said seductively and I gulped.

"Papí.." She moaned as she cupped my hardness.

"Fuck.." I moaned. "Please, no teasing, baby."

"Oh, just for you, babe." She bent down slipping my boxer down and my erection quickly jumped straight upright, making her smiled. "Oh, baby. You're so big." She gushed then licked my head. No shit, sherlock, out of people I have an 8 inches dick and when it gets hard, it turns to be 9.5 inches.

"Shit.." I moaned.

"You like that, baby?" She asked and I nodded. Then she stroked my shaft, making me shiver. She started licking again and ended up sucking and stroking on it.

"Fuck, Camila.." I moaned. After that she got up and started to strip. Fuck, she's just a goddess. Look at her. I watched her as she unclasped her bra and removed her thong without even breaking our eye contact. Shit. She walked over to me and standing right in front of me. She moved her head towards me a little and she leaned in next to my left ear.

"Fuck me, baby. You know how I like it." She whispered. FUCK. I shivered at her words and her breath. Suddenly I got the feel to be the one who control it.

"Lay down." I demanded. She widened her eyes for a second and then smirked.

"Demanding. I like it." She winked and laid down on the bed. I pulled her so her legs were dangling, I opened up her legs and moved towards to kiss her hungrily. I cupped her breasts, massaging them.

"Baby.." She moaned. Fuck, she's so sexy. I could feel my head poking her wet entrance. Just then I moved my mouth to her breasts, playing with them. After that I moved to her thighs, leaving wet kisses. I played around on her inner thighs, just kissing them and leaving wet kisses.

"Y/N, no teasing!" Camila raised her voice eagerly.

"Oh, sorry, baby." I chuckled.

"Just.. do it, Y/N!" She said impatiently.

"Alright, alright, babe. Anything for you." I said. I started to move leaving wet kisses more on her inner thighs, moving slowly but surely to her wet core then I kissed them.

"Babe!" Camila yelled.

"Okay, okay. Be patient, please." I chuckled. I kissed it one more time and started using my magic tongue. Camila just moaned and that was all I hear.

"Baby.." She moaned.

"Yes, babe?"

"I want you.. inside me.." She breathed. I positioned myself in front of her wet thick and being the nasty I was, I spat on my erection just to make it get in easier.

"Oh, fuck.." Camila moaned as my head poked her wet core, trying to get in. I pushed myself slowly, earning another moan from Camila. I pushed myself further and started pumping slowly. Another moan escaped from her mouth. Then I bent down to kiss her and massage her breasts.

"Fuck, Y/N. Faster!" She demanded. I smirked and started pumping faster.

"Fuck! Baby!" She screamed.

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