#16 The Surprise Date

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[Smut Warning]

Your POV

"Happy five months anniversary, baby. And happy birthday, love." I said as we woke up. She still had her arms wrapped around me, clutching onto me tightly. "I love you, Cam."

"Happy five months anniversary too, baby. I love you, Y/N. And thank you." She rasped. Oh, God, her voice. She's gonna be the death of me.

Yes, yes, we're in Bali now. I know, but let me tell you, the shows at the rest of U.A.E, Malaysia, Singapore and Jakarta were so amazing. Harmonizers were so wild and even though some of them were aggressive which I had to join the guard as well, you know, for being a kungfu kid. Oh, and I had called Mitchell before, making sure everything's ready. The girls even know about the date, except Camila of course, I guess they're gonna be watching. It's not that fancy, Mitchell's word just as I had asked before, he set it up at the beach at the back of the hotel we're staying, so it's gonna be easy. He even rented a boat for the date so I can have a good time with Camila, Jesus, what did I do to deserve a good friend like him?

It's about 10 AM and me, Alex and the girls were already had breakfast. So I called Mitchell for a meet up, you know to catch up with everything.

"Babe, are you okay if I left you for about a few hours?" I asked.

"What? Where are you going?" She asked, looking up from her book she's reading.

"I'm meeting up with Mitchell. I've told you about him, right?" I asked again.

"Yeah. Okay. Go on, catch up with him. Where are you going anyway?"

"I don't know. I guess we're just gonna talk at a cafe or something." I said and shrugged. "You're not mad, are you?"

"Why would I? Babe, I trust you, okay? He's a good friend of yours and you two haven't met for how many years? A really long time if I call. So, now go, have fun, baby. I love you." She said and kissed me.

"God, I love you so much, Camila." I kissed her again, smiling between it.

"I'll call you when I get there. Love you, see you later, babe." I said and walked out, just before I heard a 'love you too' from her.


"So, are you ready to see my masterpiece set of a date night at the beach?" Mitchell asked cockily.

"Cocky much, I see. You know I almost didn't recognize you, Mitch. I swear." I said. We were walking towards the beach to see Mitchell's masterpiece, just as he said.

"Well, I'm sure as hell work out so much and this is me now. Muscles as fuck. And me neither, Y/N. You cut your hair." He laughed and I punched him on the chest.

"Woah, what was that for?" He asked, rubbing his chest.

"Testing if you strong enough." I chuckled.

"I am strong, duh." He said. "Hey, aren't you gonna pay me back?" He asked playfully.

"I know you're kidding right now, but I guess I can do that. What do you think about a backstage pass for tomorrow's show?" I asked.

"What? Really? No way!" He squealed.

"I can ask someone for it." I shrugged as I smiled at him.

"Yes! Jesus, my Lord, yes!" He shouted.

"Dude, people are staring. Calm the dick." I joked.

"Sorry not sorry tho." He laughed. "Oh, there's the set up." He said, pointing at the table and the other decoration.

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