#4 Fun Day

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Camila's POV

I woke up still cuddled up with Y/N. She was lying with her back on the bed and I was clutching on her but our legs weren't tangled. She has her mouth agape and is snoring softly, she's so cute. I saw the clock on the night stand and it's still 9.42 AM. Woah, the late night movie with the girls was exhausting I guess. It made Y/N still asleep. I started playing with my phone since I'm too lazy to wake up and too comfortable with this position and Y/N's warmth.

After about 15 minutes, the door was slowly opened by Dinah. I looked at her and she was just leaning on the door's frame smirking like a serial killer clown again. It's making me crazy.

"Yes, Dinah?" I whispered.

"Looks like you're enjoying the moment, aren't you?" She whispered back and then smirks even more, if that's possible.

"Yeah. And Y/N's still sleeping. Shoo!" I whisper-yelled.

"Easy there. Alright, take your time." She winked and then closed the door.

"Ugh." I heard Y/N groaned.

"Good morning, grumpy." I chuckled.

"Morning, Cami. My body hurts, I'm beat." She groaned once again.

"If you want to stay in bed all day, I'm up for it." I said.

"No. And now that it just crossed my mind, it's been a week since I posted my last video. What song should I cover for next video?" She asked.

"You can do a cover with me and the girls. Or just me." I winked. And I swear I saw her blushing, she's just so adorable.

"Alright. It's making me think about doing cover of songs with each of you and then the whole group. So the total there will be six covers, cool." She chuckled.

"Alright, first attempt with me. I'm suggesting something slow but not that slow. Get me?" I asked and she nodded.

"I don't know why but the first thing that popped in my mind is Heaven by Bryan Adams. What do you think?" She asked while grinning widely.

"It's absolutely cool. Let's play the guitar together." I suggested.

"That's absolutely fine and I can arrange the music."

After taking showers and getting ready, we both practiced for some improvisations for the song and after that we were ready for recording it.

(The video Y/N recorded with Camila. Pretend Y/N is Megan and Camila is Alejandro. Why? Because I imagined Camila with her sexy raw voice singing Alejandro's part, it'll be so good.)

Your POV

"Alright. It's all done. Let's see if it's good." I said and chuckled.

We did a pretty amazing job in there, we sound amazing. The way Camila sang with her sexy raw-raspy voice amazed me.

"You guys sound amazing." Lauren commented suddenly.

"Woah. Hey, there, Laur. I didn't see you there." I said. "Hey, I was wondering if we can do a cover too?"

"With the girls?" She asked.

"Well, actually when Y/N woke up, she remembered her Youtube account and it's been a week since her last video. So, why not do cover of songs with us? She even has the idea to do cover of songs with each of us and then the whole group." Camila explained.

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