#8 Here Comes The Date Night

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Your POV

We arrived home at least at about four and when we walked in my apartment, the others were already gathered around us.

"Let's get ready for your date, Walz!" Dinah practically dragged Camila to her room. I chuckled at them and waved a little at Camila.

"What's that?" Lauren asked, pointing at the plastic bag I was holding.

"Oh, these are Japanese food I bought for you guys. You can eat it for dinner." I said.

"Awe, thanks, Y/N. You're so sweet." Lauren said and hugged me and then kissed my cheek. Well, I'd be lying if I said she's not beautiful. If I wasn't falling for Camila, I'm sure I'd fall for Lauren. I mean.. look at her. Not just physically but personally and mentally, the way she thinks is unique and she acts the way her mind thinks and she's a free firefly.

"Y/N!" Mani waved her hand in front of my face.

"Yeah?" I asked as I heard Lauren laughed.

"We set up a small LCD projector for you two to watch movie." Mani said.

"W-what? Where is that idea coming from?" I asked as I smile cheekily.

"Good idea, right?" Lauren asked.

"What are you guys talking about actually? The date?" Ally asked and Mani nodded.

"Thank you, guys. You're the best though, for serious. I love you all. And actually, what movie will be displayed?"I hugged them all.

"The Titanic or The Notebook, you pick later. Now get ready! Lauren will help you and me and Ally will help Dinah helping Camila getting ready." Mani asked.

"Guys, we'll just go for a date at the beach, why would Camila need three MUAs?" I asked.

"Girl, she don't need that only, me and Dinah are a good pair of fashionable designers. And Ally? I don't know. She's old." Mani said and ran to her room, well, Ally? She rolled her eyes playfully because she knew it was a joke and she went in to her room.

"Alright. Let me take a quick shower, okay, Lo?" I asked.

"Go ahead. I'll pick your clothes. That street comfy style, if I'm not mistaken?" She asked.

"Yeah, Laur. You're good at this. We literally have the same taste for clothing, so all that you pick is just okay." I laughed.

"Yeah, I know that." She chuckled and we went in to my room and she went through my closet.

"I'mma go with the theme Batman." Lauren suddenly said.

"What?" I asked.

"Your clothing theme tonight. Wear something about Batman. It looks cool and hot at the same time. And, Y/N?" She asked still looking for clothes in my wardrobe.


"Why are all your undies boxers? Men's boxers?" She asked. Shit. I forgot about that. Shit, shit, shit.

"Um.. I'll tell you after shower, but grab me my Batman boxer first and a sports bra." I said and she nodded, she picked up my Batman boxer and a black sports bra and threw them to me. Then I walked in to my bathroom and took a shower. After that I dried my body and hair and put on my undies and got out from the bathroom. Lauren was sitting on my bed and I noticed she widened her eyes when she saw my bulge but quickly looked away, I chuckled at her action.

"What?" She asked, keeping it cool.

"Don't you think I didn't catch you staring at my friend down there, Jauregui." I said with an amused face. Where in fact I was squealing of embarrassment inside.

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