#11 Oh You Know

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Lauren's POV

As we arrived at the building, Y/N drove off to the lobby and we all got out, let a driver park her truck. We eventually walked to the front desk and asked Sarah which room was the interviews held. As soon as we got the information, we rushed to the elevator to the fifth floor. The two interviews were held in the large studio of that floor so we just got in and took a seat literally everywhere and I sat down on a bean bag at the back of the room.

"Hey, Laur. Whatcha doing?" Y/N approached me.

"Nothing much, really." I chuckled. "What about you?"

"Same. Just.. a few new things I guess? About how I love Camila or in fact that I'm in love with her and you guys now know about my body?" She said.

"Well, true. And are you okay? I mean.. You know, you told me to keep things off first."

"It's okay. At least they're okay with it, I'm fine." She smiled.

"Well, of course they'd be okay with it though. Now tell me, I heard the other day a friend of you came to your apartment for a breakfast. Who is it?" I asked.

"Oh, Camila told you, didn't she? He's name is Alex and he's super hot I might add. He was my best pal since God knows when, I just remember we were so connected when I first met him in kindergarten. He's cool." She said.

"He's hot? Can I see some pictures of him?" I asked.

"Oh, interested yeah Jauregui? I see." She smirked, taking out her phone and opened up the photos and show me a picture.

(Sorry, I didn't show who's Alex in the first chapter, but since Y/N shows a picture of him to Lauren

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(Sorry, I didn't show who's Alex in the first chapter, but since Y/N shows a picture of him to Lauren. Here it is, give it up to Alex Aiono, readers! He's hot and I love his voice! So, you're welcome y'all.)

Dang, he is hot.

"Dang, when can I meet this guy?" I asked eagerly.

"No need to rush things, Lo. He lives a few doors next to us." She said and I gasped.

"But we barely see him! Exactly never!" I uttered in shock.

"He's always out, whether at campus or in the cafe he's working. Sometimes he joins me for my musics too, you know he's shy but he has an amazing voice." Y/N shrugged.

"Really? I want to get to know him, please."

"Are you that romantically hopeless, Jauregui? Calm down. I'll ask him and maybe we can hang tomorrow or the day after, seeing you still have your interviews tomorrow. I miss him as well, we haven't hung out since you guys hang with me all the time." Y/N asked.

"Alright. Thanks, Y/L/N." I side hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"No problem, Jauregui." She said and smiled.

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