#15 Girls Food Hunting Day

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Camila's POV

"Babe, you ready?" I asked on the door.

"Yeah." She said and walked towards me.

"Okay, come on." I said, reaching my hand and she grabbed it as we walked towards the elevator.

As we reached the lobby, Alex and the girls were already there waiting on the couches. We waved to them as we went to Rob to hand our baggage. After that we went to the others and plopped down on the empty sofas as well.

"So, ready to get another jet lag?" Alex asked me sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah, definitely." I laughed it off.

"Dude, it's awful." Alex said and laughed along.

"I'm sure U.A.E will be fun though. So crap the jet lag, we'll be having fun there!" I pep talked.

"Yeah, I know." He answered.

"Babe, let's get some snacks." Camila stood up, reaching out her hand. I grabbed it and we walked over to the vending machine.

"Okay. I want a Snickers, that Hershey's chocolate bar, a bag of Doritos, oh, and a bag of Cheetos. Probably a bag of M&M's as well." She said and I only stared at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Typical Camila." I mumbled and chuckled at myself. I picked everything she wanted and we went back to the others

"Here, guys." I said as I put the snack on the table and Camila grabbed her Snickers.

"You are so cute." I said and kissed her nose.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have to start the journey to the airport, guys." Rob said.


The plane lasted for about 6 hours and a half or so, and Jesus Christ this jet lag I'm feeling right now is just crazy. Help me, ugh. I'm currently lying on the bed while Camila already slept off her jet lag. How does she do that? I can't even sleep while this jet lag is kicking in, especially my head, God the headache. I guess I have to take an Advil, yeah, that would be great.

So, I went to my suitcase and dig in to search for the medicine, and when I got it I immediately gulped it down with some mineral water. I guess I had to sleep it off so I did. I crawled back to the bed and snuggled up to my girlfriend as I hear her soft snores, I drifted too sleep.

There were some harsh knocks on the door and some yells. It was the girls and I was the one who opened it. God, it was 7 in the morning.

"Why are y'all so dressed up? The show is tomorrow." I asked a little bit lazy, sitting on the bed next to Camila, scratching my itchy head. Wash my hair, noted.

"We want to hang out with you and Camila. But looks like Mila is still in her sweet dream, so I guess it's a no?" Ally asked.

"Um, I don't know. I'll try to wake her, okay? You guys can get your breakfast, I'll get ready." I said.

"Okay, see you later, Y/N." Lauren and the girls said.

"See ya." I smiled.

After they left, I walked into the bathroom and took a warm shower, brushed my teeth and changed into some decent clothes.

After they left, I walked into the bathroom and took a warm shower, brushed my teeth and changed into some decent clothes

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