#22 Ruined

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I'm so sorry to inform you this, like really am, but shit is about to go down☹️️
So, please, get your heart ready xx

Camila's POV

Y/N has been gone for tour for almost a month and we would never go a day without texting and calling or facetiming, even if it was only for a split seconds just to see each other faces. We're just being irresistible to each other and Dinah said we're cute that it's so annoying. But back again, Y/N will be home in 3 weeks and I couldn't wait for that. And next week is the release for me and my girls' second album, 7/27!

"Hey, Walz. You coming? The interview starts in five." Dinah said and I nodded.

"So, Camila." The interviewer asked. "Any news from your girlfriend?"

"No. It's still a bit morning, I guess she hasn't awoken yet. We usually text, call and facetime all the time." I smiled.

"Oh, good. Did she say anything about this?" He asked, showing me a picture of Y/N and Zendaya, walking out from the hotel.

"Uh, no, actually. But I'm sure she'd tell me once she wakes up." I smiled.


"Hey, babe." I greeted through the phone. Once we were done with the interview, I quickly got a call from Y/N.

"Hey, princess. I miss you." She said and I could imagine her pout.

"I miss you too. Hey, I was-" "Y/N! Where's my purse?" I was cut off by a girl's voice.

"I don't know, probably in your suitcase or something."  She said quickly. "What was that again, babe?"

"Oh, nothing. Who's with you?" I asked.

"Oh, it's Zendaya. She was looking for her purse." She said.

"Oh, okay. So what do you do today?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

"Well, as you see I'm in Houston right now and I have soundcheck in an hour. Me and Zendaya are just about to grab lunch." She explained. "And how's your interview?"

"Nothing much. The guy asked me about a pic about you and Zendaya who just got out from the hotel." I frowned.

"Awe, babe. We're just friends, no more than that. You know I love you too much to do that." She cooed.

"I know and I love you too." I said.

"Y/N, you better get your ass in here or I'll leave you to go grab lunch alone." I heard Zendaya said.

"Uh, Camila, baby. I have to go now, but I'll text you though. I love you, Camila." She said and hung up before I even get the chance to say it back. I sighed and ran my hand through my dark locks.

"What happened?" Dinah asked once she got in my shared room with Y/N.

"I don't know, China. It's stupid." I huffed.

"You can tell me, you know that." She said, taking a seat next to me on the bed.

I told her everything about the phone call with Y/N. I guess I was just exaggerating. I don't know, I'm just worried. I don't wanna lose Y/N. Never in my life I imagine I could live without her.

"Hey, Chancho. It's gonna be okay. You know her, I know her, we all know her. She won't do that to you. She loves you too much to hurt you." Dinah said, rubbing circles on my back as I lean my head on her shoulder.

"I know, Chee." I said.


Your POV

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