#5 Girls Night and Beach Day

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Your POV

I still don't understand how I kept my coolness when I first met the girls, I guess it's just me. And every time I see Camila, I always feel this weird sensation I haven't felt before. It's a tingling feeling in my stomach and it would just moved to my heart and make my heart beats faster than usual. It's just.. I don't know. They say if you fall in love, you'll have like butterflies in your stomach. But that makes no sense at all, I am not consuming any butterflies. It's just weird, Camila always has this effect on me and every time she smiled to me, touch me, or more like paying attention to me, my blood rushes from my veins and I swear I can feel it, maybe if I peel up my skin I could see how fast they rush. It's scary what a person can do to me. I've dated before, a few times actually and the reasons of breaking up were always the same, because I was a victim of bullying and they got disgusted of me. And those relationships of mine some were with boys and some with girls, with boys I just liked them but not like when I like girls. And when I was with boys, I always avoided on kissing them. There's no way I'm kissing a guy, like ever, I just love the thought of love and those times I hadn't figured out myself as a lesbian, I considered myself as bisexual. And those two kisses with Hailey, they actually for me were more like friendly kisses.

"Y/N." Camila snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I asked as I stirred the mac and cheese in the pot.

"You were in thoughts." She chuckled and I blushed. Damn. See the effect she has on me?

"Hard to explain." I chuckled.


"Things." I said.

"Okay." She smiled and I literally thanked her mentally for not pushing it. "Let me grab the bowls."

Camila gave me the bowls and I pour them all in each bowls.

"Lunch is ready, kids!" Camila yelled.

And the kids swarmed in the kitchen grabbing one bowl each. Me and Camila laughed at them, so cute though.

"I was wondering, when will you guys start your busy things again?" I chuckled.

"In about two months. We still have some events to attend between this break tho." Mani explained and I nodded.


Dinah's POV

"Hey! Unfair! It's my turn!" I yelled. It was already night and we were playing monopoly and we were really having fun. Y/N and Camila just got closer and closer, I like the idea of Y/S/N. I chuckled.

"Woah. You just yelled in madness and then the next second you just chuckled. Are you okay, DJ?" Lauren asked.

"Nothing. I'm still mad for Mani cheating. And about me chuckling, I was thinking of something else." I smiled.

"What is it?" Mani smirked.

"Oh, you know. Y/S/N. I really like the idea of that." I said.

"I actually kinda ship them too." Ally got in the conversation.

"We actually need to get them real close between this break time." Mani said.

"I agree." Lauren smirked.

"Alright. I wanna check on them, or to be exact spy on them." I chuckled.

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