#6 Realise

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Two weeks later...

Camila's POV

I woke up only to a tangled up Y/N with me. She's so cute. I kissed her forehead.

"I really like you." I whispered. "But don't worry, I broke up with Austin not because of you."

I realized that we fell asleep on the couch after movie marathon last night with the girls, tangling each other, I don't even know where the hell the blanket was from but I guess it was from the girls. Soon I felt Y/N groaned and started stirring from her position. I giggled.

"Ugh." She groaned again.

"Good morning, grumpy." I greeted.

"Good morning, beautiful." She greeted back and I couldn't help but blush.

"What time is it?" She asked still has her eyes closed. I looked at the clock.

"Almost nine." I said.

"Better take a shower then and I'll make breakfast." She said standing up. "Come on, Cam."

"Wait, are you inviting me to take a shower with you?" I was blushing like crazy.

"Um.. w-what? No. I mean.. get up." She looked down, blushing too.

"Alright." I giggled just then I got a text.

Simon: Don't forget the interview with the radio station tomorrow at 2 PM. Have a nice day, girls.

Me: Okay. Have a nice day too, Simon💙

"Who was it?" Y/N asked.

"Oh, Simon. He was reminding me and the girls for tomorrow's interview at the radio station."I said.

"Oh, okay. Let me take a real quick shower and I'll make breakfast, like right now." She then ran to her room. I walked into her room too, chose my clothes I would use after shower.

I was scrolling through twitter as Y/N got out from the bathroom. She had two towel with her, one was wrapped around her waist so of course I caught a glimpse of her abs, damn, and another towel was hanging down from her neck covering her boobs. Actually why she uses two towels when you can use one to cover your body? Whatever. I couldn't help but stare. What can I say? She's hot. And, wait.. she has a tattoo on the left side of her boob, damn, she's so hot.

"Enjoying the view much?" She smirked.

"W-What? No." I quickly said even though I stuttered first. Then I picked up my clothes and practically ran into the bathroom. I heard she laughed though, I just smiled like an idiot. Damn.

After shower I quickly changed into the clothes I had picked before and got out from the bathroom.

I dried my hair with the hairdryer and after felt like ages to dry it, I walked to the kitchen

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I dried my hair with the hairdryer and after felt like ages to dry it, I walked to the kitchen. And I found Y/N cooking french toasts, damn, she's sexy in that tank and shorts. And that biceps, oh my god, don't make me start.

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