Chapter One

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It has been two years since Shannon has gone to jail and today is the day she is being released. I am going to be driving out to the correctional facility to pick her up in about an hour.

Camren, Jade and I worked all night to have the house set up for the "Coming home" party we are throwing Shannon. It is just going to be us and then Kasey, Erin and Henry are going to be here. They just made it in last night.

Shannon is going to be so surprised to see how big our little girl is. Addison Rylee is two and a half years old. I am so proud of what an amazing little girl she has become. She's walking and talking non stop. She has just been a joy to watch grow.

Julianna Marie is the same way. She will be three in a few months and she is such a handful. I swear she went all the way through her terrible twos and circled around twice.

There has been a lot of changes since Shannon has left and hopefully all of them go over well. Most of them she already knows, I haven't hid anything from her while she was in jail but it will be different once she is actually out and has to adjust to them.

"Logan are you getting ready to leave?" I walk to the kitchen to see Camren cutting up some fruit and putting them on the fruit platter.

"Yeah I am, I just put Addison down for her nap so that she should be up and awake when Shannon and I get back. Do you need anything before I go?" Camren shook her head as I place a kiss on her cheek.

"Nope! I will see you guys when you get back. Please drive safely."

I grab my keys off the counter, the bag of clothes Shannon asked me to bring her and head towards the door.

"I will, see you guys in a few hours."

I hop in the car and turn on some music to jam to.

My biggest concern is how Addison is going to act around Shannon. I have made sure to show her pictures of her and she does know when she sees the picture that Shannon is "Mommy" but Addison is a shy, little girl and I am worried that if she isn't receptive to Shannon, that is going to hurt her feelings.

After about an hour, I finally reach the correctional facility. I park in my normal spot and grab Shannon's clothes leaving behind anything that could make it difficult to get through security.

"Hey Logan, last time we will be seeing you in here, right?" I shook the security guard's hand.

"Yeah I sure as hell hope so!" We both laugh as he scans me and checks the bag of clothes.

"Alright, you good to go in."

I walk in and take the path that I am so familiar with to meet Shannon.

"Hey baby." Shannon walks over to me and gives me a kiss.

"Hey sweetheart, you all ready?" She smiles and nods her head.

"Let me go change out this and I will be." I sat down at a table while Shannon went and changed her clothes with one of the female guards watching her closely.

I can't wait to be out of this place and be in the privacy on our own home. It wasn't but about fifteen minutes later when Shannon reappeared wearing the street clothes that I brought her and man can I tell you just how beautiful she looked not to be wearing an orange jumpsuit.

"Close your mouth baby, you are drooling."

Shannon laughs grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door.

"Someone is ready to get out of here?" I joked.

"Hell yeah, I have a beautiful baby girl to get home to. Is Camren watching her?"

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